U751: How do I get my coins back? And why is this guy allowed to do this to other players?
This has been reported to WGT before and I would report the incident, the name of the person and what is taking place and any information from the date and time of the game, to their "contact" link at the bottom of the screen.
It has happened to me multiple times and the players know who they are. One guy that did this even taunted me after hitting a lucky shot in another match later on, which I recognized his name.
You know they are gaming the system when the person doesn't even wait around to see where the ball ends up because once they see the flash of a good shot they exit, reset their game, or whatever they do to cause a glitch in the connection that can cause you to time out, or worse you can accidentally hit "cancel" rather than wait to try and reenter the game then you are forfeiting...
TopShelf2010: What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same exact thing over and over expecting a different result?
You can't choose who you are matched up against in coin games and you can't block other members in coin matches the way you can block them on desktop. You are forced to try and play the match out even when you know the person has a history of cheating the system. You just have to hope WGT does something about these players or the game awards you their coins when they try and cheat the system.