Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Eaten alive
Are you being eaten alive by a monster that does not even exist? Have your highest thoughts and best moments been sucked away by a demon with no actual form or substance?
You are wise to be concerned, and to do something about those concerns. But it is foolish to contaminate your awareness and paralyze your life with useless worry.
What perfectly good thing have you started and then stopped, worried what others would think? What goal, what dream have you declined to achieve, worried about problems you could easily have solved?
Worry waters down your enthusiasm, cancels your best plans, and hands you nothing but regret in return. Let this be the day you walk away from all that.
Let this be the moment you face your fears, challenges, limitations, and act to do something about them. Rather than being hobbled with worry, choose now to put the power of your imagination to purposeful use, spurring you into action.
Be smart, be realistic, be wary, but don’t be worried. Feel your strength, express that strength with action, and rise above every useless worry.
— Ralph Marston