Courses I play in real life. Played as a pro. Was on the U.S. Navy golf team. So go pretend somewhere else.
This morning wind speeds at the Pebble Beach course are 7 mph. At Kiawah Island, 6 mph. St. Andrews, 10 mph. Lak Tahoe, 3 mph. Bethesda, 7 mph. Chambers Bay, 3 mph. Erin Hills, 7 mph.
Getting the picture there Forrest? Don't pretend to know things you don't. You don't know these courses in real life. Clearly.
The average yearly wind speed on Pebble Beach btw is public info. It averages 7 mph during the year. If you knew these courses, you'd know that.
These are the speeds that are average and normal. Not 30 mph plus.