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Thu, Jun 7 2018 12:20 PM (23 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 11:36 AM

    I believe a horse head is in order here my friend......

    Actually Google searched a guy giving an horse 'head'...

    Found it but....

    Figured it might not be acceptable to post vid ?


  • Bowl64
    3,121 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 11:50 AM

    Ask WGT customerservice for a refund because you simply made a mistake buying those clubs.

    THEN - buy a set with at least a 3.0 meterspeed, anything faster than that is basically unplayable in my opinion.



  • sheepsass
    657 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 11:55 AM
  • TopShelf2010
    10,967 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 12:08 PM


  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 12:11 PM


    Actually Google searched a guy giving an horse 'head'...

    Found it but....

    Figured it might not be acceptable to post vid ?

    It really is extraordinary what one can find on the internet these days isn't it Andy?

    I saw an amazing video recently of a slapper giving a horse head and shoving it's dick right up her twat.

    As previously mentioned though, perhaps not the right kind of material for here.......

  • U751
    22 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 4:12 PM

    Uninstalled and then reinstalled the game. Took other games off the tablet as well. It worked. Yes, they are fast, but slower now than some of my clubs.


    Before they were literally faster than a human can react. Literally timed it but needed a video editor to see just how fast it was going. My eye could barely see it. Changed balls. Had no effect.


    Turned out to be 0.11 seconds on the fastest swing. No human being can react that fast. Not a single human on the planet. Now its just under 1 second. Managable, but still difficult.


    At the end of the day, I cant see spending $10 on balls every single game to be able to play them. The YouTube video warning about several pieces of equipment will serve the unsuspecting well 'm sure.

  • U751
    22 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 4:16 PM

    It was a corrupt file issue. We found it. Made the meter multiple times faster than it should have been. Been fixed, yet they are still extremely fast, almost managable,  but not really. Unless I want to spend $10 on balls every game. Yea.., no.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 5:34 PM

      Bought a set of Max Clubs for 3,000 credits ($30). Just a heads up, they don't function. I mean not at all. Not even a little bit.

    So fast is the meter speed, my friends and I had to make a video capture to time it. One tenth of one second is the meter speed. Faster than a human can react statistically. We put the video on YouTube to warn other players about these clubs.

    I wrote wgt 4 times, but they are igoring me completely. So I'm out the money with clubs I had to throw away.

    BEWARE: DON'T PURCHASE THESE CLUBS. They won't work and you'll be out $30 bucks. 

    Well, in the future, you might want to take the time to read and take the reviews seriously as well as search the boards for advice on clubs before purchasing them.

    For the level you're at, I seriously doubt anyone would have recommended purchasing those irons. There are a number of better options that are available to you. Truly, those irons were a bit of a bizarre choice.  Additionally, you need to get rid of the hybrid and pick up a third wedge.

    Finally, just a friendly word of advice. Try taking it down a notch and take the time to learn the game as well as your equipment options. There are a lot of fine people on here who would probably be more than happy to help you out. But you seem not to want to realize or acknowledge that there are players on here who know a lot more about this stuff than you. 

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 6:25 PM

    I actually bought a high level Nike Putter years ago and hated it...

    asked CS if I could get a refund and buy the more expensive Odyssey putter and they graciously returned my credits and asked me to keep my word on the Odyssey, which I did...

    However, what I didn't do was start a useless thread like this one and go on a rant 1st LOL...

    That bridge has most likely been burned...there is usually a right way to do things to get optimal results....

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 6:51 PM

    Ask WGT customerservice for a refund because you simply made a mistake buying those clubs.

    That ship's sailed...a conscious decision by the sound of things....+ posting intent ;)))

    THEN - buy a set with at least a 3.0 meterspeed, anything faster than that is basically unplayable in my opinion.

    Whoah..let's not get carried away..

    The BEST irons 4 years ago were the R11s   2.5 meter speed

    Fast admittedly ( lack of forgiveness factored in TOO )

    3w a dog cause trying to land in a 5yd the 2 mill m with wind miss ding ..

    ( you had to wait till it landed, to find out where it went !! )   ;))

    BUT  those who used them, find everything these days...

    Just pure gravy. roll one inbetween clicking with my Nikes ..

    Used to have to concentrate back then to get close..a ding a rarity ......;)))