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Thu, Jun 7 2018 12:20 PM (23 replies)
  • U751
    22 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 6:22 AM

    Bought a set of Max Clubs for 3,000 credits ($30). Just a heads up, they don't function. I mean not at all. Not even a little bit.


    So fast is the meter speed, my friends and I had to make a video capture to time it. One tenth of one second is the meter speed. Faster than a human can react statistically. We put the video on YouTube to warn other players about these clubs.


    I wrote wgt 4 times, but they are igoring me completely. So I'm out the money with clubs I had to throw away.


    BEWARE: DON'T PURCHASE THESE CLUBS. They won't work and you'll be out $30 bucks.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 8:37 AM


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 8:50 AM

    Bought a set of [...] Clubs [...]

    Are you on PC / Flash? Then, try & purge the caches of Flash and of your browser and try again.

  • mrmp1
    579 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 9:33 AM

    1.5 meter speed how fast are the rocks ???? WOW granted he made a mistake but why does wgt even sell them  



  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 10:46 AM


    Bought a set of [...] Clubs [...]

    Are you on PC / Flash? Then, try & purge the caches of Flash and of your browser and try again.

    Nothing to do with it Paul...

    That meter like a heavily ladened , going downhill with no brakes..freight train,

    on speed !!!!!  ;)

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 10:51 AM

    Bought a set of Max Clubs for 3,000 credits ($30). Just a heads up, they don't function. I mean not at all. Not even a little bit.

    They work perfectly if you get near the Ding...

    So fast is the meter speed, my friends and I had to make a video capture to time it. One tenth of one second is the meter speed. Faster than a human can react

    Therein lies the problem :D

    You can find the Forum to moan...

    So next time ask advice ?

    Very few mistakes I haven't made TBH.

    Willing to share  ( along with many others ) What, and what NOT to buy.


    EDIT  BTW..what are you doing buying L45 clubs at your level ?

    The Ben Hogan PTx were the ones to shell out on  imo.


    10,728 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 11:04 AM


    Bought a set of Max Clubs for 3,000 credits ($30). Just a heads up, they don't function. I mean not at all. Not even a little bit.

    They work perfectly if you get near the Ding...

    So fast is the meter speed, my friends and I had to make a video capture to time it. One tenth of one second is the meter speed. Faster than a human can react

    Therein lies the problem :D

    You can find the Forum to moan...

    So next time ask advice ?

    Very few mistakes I haven't made TBH.

    Willing to share  ( along with many others ) What, and what NOT to buy.


    EDIT  BTW..what are you doing buying L45 clubs at your level ?

    The Ben Hogan PTx were the ones to shell out on  imo.


    What ball was he using with them?

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 11:11 AM

    BEWARE: DON'T PURCHASE THESE CLUBS. They won't work and you'll be out $30 bucks.




  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 11:20 AM

    What ball was he using with them?

    Makes lill diff Tess....EVIL meter speed ;))

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 11:29 AM


    I would be devastated to find out WGT refunded your money simply because you are a complete idiot.

    There you go Don, feels bloody good doesn't it mate?

    There are times when the red mist just has to descend, I believe a horse head is in order here my friend......