I see these types of post all over the place. "Meter Glitch sucks" / why is it the club it gives with settings is not the best / this club has good forgiveness but if I don't hit the ding it is out in rough / for the life of me I can not figure out why it is the Games fault or WGT's fault.
Caddie - Who Cares the caddie is not the guy trying to hit it - I am so it is for me to decide just how do I want to hit this 6' up hill lie 54 yards out, on to a green that is fast break away to the back left side with a 23 mile wind pushing from right to left.
If I do what the caddie says use the PW for 110 yards aiming right at the flag, I know the way I play pulling everything left I am going way left and short, because the game sets contact point of ball in middle. I switch clubs to my 75 yard club full back spin to get it up in the air, and go about 3/4 power then I hope for the best after aiming more right the need be to allow for pulling shot left and wind pushing shot left.
When I miss it is my dumb luck not the blame of WGT ,or the game.