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Country Club questions

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jun 12 2018 4:22 AM (5 replies)
  • ptptpt1
    8 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2018 6:55 AM

    What is the benefit to joining or creating a country club?  How do you determine which club would be best for you to join? 


    I couldnt find this info posted anywhere so I figured I would ask.  

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2018 8:32 AM

    I can only say if you read our advert on here then we give all the info you need mate.

    Some others will give you in depth info on theirs also.

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2018 8:52 AM

    There are lots of good country clubs on WGT.  That said the really really bad ones out number the good ones by the tens of thousands. Five years ago WGT estimated there were close to 50,000 CCs.   That number is likely doubled by today.

    So here are a few general pieces of advice:

    1) 1000s of CC are what I call dead.  The owner has not played for years and the majority of the members have not either.   Avoid those like the plague.

    2) Among the 500 or so good Country Clubs some are for mobile players only, some are for PC only and some have a healthy mix of both. If you play mobile then stay away from PC only clubs.

    3) There are some exclusively one language clubs be it German, French, English or others.  If you do not speak French - stay away from French speaking CCs.

    4) There are some CCs that take the Clash and / or Turf Wars ultra seriously.  If you do not want to do that - stay away from those CCs.

    5) There are CCs who expect the members to enter in win Ready Gos. As a Tour Pro - stay away from those. They would not accept you anyway so not much of an issue there.

    You ask also what is the benefit of joining and or creating your own. 

    First let me say that starting your own  really provides little benefit to a new player who wants to improve the level of their game. As the owner you would be needing to help new less experienced players then you. You therefore only learn what you know and / or slowly figure out.

    The benefit of joining one of those 500 or so CCs that I would consider good is twofold:

    1) You have the ability to interact and learn from WGT players that have been playing for 5, 6 or 7 years.

    2) You have an instant "CC Friend List" where you know that you can always find someone to play a round with, learn from, never have the person quit a round because they are having a bad one and just folks you can get to know.

    Finding one of those 500 starts here in the CC Corner.  Read some of the posts made about a CC.  Read what others both from within the CC and outside of the CC.  If you like what you read then message the owner or one of the Directors and ask questions.

    We are full right now but read ours for example (The Peoples Club) read a number of  others.  Soon you will discover one that sounds appealing to you.




  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2018 12:01 AM

    Wow - very elaborate!

    Adding to #1:

    It is most important to have an active CC owner. To verify this, look at his activities and score history, look him up in the CC list for his "last date played" and get in contact with him.

    And, an additional

    #6: You may leave any CC at any time. So, don't hesitate to enter one, look around for a while and decide freely to stay or leave. A "bye" in the CC forum should keep things friendly...

  • IrmaLamy
    2,981 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2018 1:22 AM

    Not bad.

    Maybe you (Ed) should ask WGT that at CC lvl 22 they increase the amount of allowed members in a CC - would help you guys to grow even bigger as others too

    Just my 2 cts adv

    Happy hitting and have fun choosing out of the 500 top CC's (to the asker of this thread)

  • Beryman
    9,099 Posts
    Tue, Jun 12 2018 4:22 AM

    5) There are CCs who expect the members to enter in win Ready Gos. As a Tour Pro - stay away from those. They would not accept you anyway so not much of an issue there.

    agreed there are some CC`s that will not accept Tour Pros...but I have never seen or heard of a CC that expects their members to enter/ win RG`s...although i guess it may be so

    anyway "ptptpt1" good luck in your search for a club that fits your play