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New legend - unprepared!!!!

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Mon, Jul 16 2018 6:15 AM (46 replies)
  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Sat, Jul 7 2018 12:29 PM

    The op has 2 very poor wedges, I was giving advice based on what equipment I saw that he was using.  Sorry if you disagree with me.   Like I said , you should use whatever shot that you're most comfortable with. 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sat, Jul 7 2018 12:40 PM

    It seemed to me that the conversation had moved beyond the OP's question or situation. 

    I do agree that everyone should use the shots they're comfortable with. I also agree that the flop shot is one that those with lesser equipment should use.

    I simply disagree that the ball will go screaming past the cup on championship greens, if a player has the proper equipment. It won't. And that statement is factually true. With the proper equipment, a pitch will stop without difficulty on championship greens. The same is true with the punch shot.  

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Sat, Jul 7 2018 1:56 PM


    It seemed to me that the conversation had moved beyond the OP's question or situation. 

    I do agree that everyone should use the shots they're comfortable with. I also agree that the flop shot is one that those with lesser equipment should use.

    I simply disagree that the ball will go screaming past the cup on championship greens, if a player has the proper equipment. It won't. And that statement is factually true. With the proper equipment, a pitch will stop without difficulty on championship greens. The same is true with the punch shot.  

    The point that I was trying to make about a shot screaming past the hole, was when I was referring to unknown green speeds. A pitch or chip shot with any equipment,  and not knowing how much b/s to apply, will most likely go way past the cup, others stop way short. 

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sat, Jul 7 2018 2:15 PM

    The point that I was trying to make about a shot screaming past the hole, was when I was referring to unknown green speeds. A pitch or chip shot with any equipment,  and not knowing how much b/s to apply, will most likely go way past the cup, others stop way short. 

    I fully understand your point. 

    And that's the point we do disagree about. At the risk of belaboring the point, if a player has good wedges and a ball with good spin characteristics, that will not happen. 

    A pitch or a punch with the Cleveland 64 degree wedge coupled with a ball having 3.5 dots of spin or better will stop on a dime, even on championship greens (unless the hole happens to be cut on a severe downslope). It will not go way past the cup.

    Under 18 yards, I use the pitch shot about 95% of the time. And these days, all my games are on championship greens. I rarely have a putt of more than a foot or so. In fact, I've ended up short of the cup as much (maybe more) than I am past the cup.  

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Jul 7 2018 3:04 PM

    Just got a note through that I have made Legend status - was not expecting it as score average was still 62+. Not sure why it happened - although guess I shouldnt complain - that was the point of playing!

    Though Legend normally takes a 60.00 or under average winning a WGT Tournament has an impact on moving up in in Tiers. WGT does not let us know how big of an impact, but in your case it was enough.

    A very big impact it seems. I thought you may be wrong on what your average was so spent 30min going through your TM rr's as they are all in your history. I worked out the average of your 40 best scores to be 62.8; that's 2,512 strokes which would need to be reduced by 72 to get you to 61. (I may have missed a couple of low scores, there were about 130 rounds to look at, but not enough to make a big difference)

    So as others have said it's down to your recent tournament results that you were promoted.

    : July 03, 2018 SheryarAdam won the Wk 26 Free Multiround Merion Crystal Tournament Standing award. SheryarAdam moved up to the Legend tier. SheryarAdam won the Wk 26 Mobile 9-Hole Unlimited Play Platinum Tournament Standing award. SheryarAdam won the June Olympic Club 9 Hole Unlimited Platinum Tournament Standing award.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Jul 7 2018 5:03 PM

    And that's the point we do disagree about. At the risk of belaboring the point, if a player has good wedges and a ball with good spin characteristics, that will not happen.

    Without a doubt. In fact, the majority of holes across all courses putt well from under the pin and knowing that-and the greens-overcomes not knowing the actual speeds. Knowing and trusting that you can control a shot is what makes it work. If you're screaming past holes you're not using the right shot/setup.

  • Stobsbee
    4,784 Posts
    Sat, Jul 7 2018 11:33 PM

    This is off topic, but my advice to the OP would be to quit your  Country Club and join an active one (the owner of your current one has not played in almost a year and there does not appear to be much activity amongst the other members).

    By being a member of an active Country Club you will have many more tournaments to play besides the WGT monthlies/weeklies in different conditions that will help you improve your game. Also, many of the top CC's will have members more than willing to offer you help and advice.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jul 8 2018 10:04 AM

    my advice to the OP would be to quit your  Country Club and join an active one

    Great advice. In fact, Cosa Nostra would be happy to help you improve, you're the type of player we'd like to add.   :-)

  • craigswan
    32,171 Posts
    Sun, Jul 8 2018 12:08 PM

    I have played with starter balls for 8 years . I use starter putter and they work fine for me .

    I was gifted a tailormade ghost putter but the meter used with the starter balls goes about 100 miles an hour . Impossible to hit the ding .

  • SheryarAdam
    10 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2018 2:30 AM


    Great point never really thought about it

    I use the flop a LOT, much more than pitch and chip as I really have never quite got to grips with the distances those things go - whilst flop seems more reliable. But you are right, short of landing it in the hole, par is the best you can do

    Will need to invest some time in chipping and pitching - get so frustrated when they land very short or roll very long at (what seems like!) random. Obviously isnt random, but the struggle is real!