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I'm new here

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Fri, Jul 6 2018 9:49 AM (2 replies)
  • Sirjohn96
    9 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2018 6:27 AM

    Hey Everyone,

    Just started playing the game here like 12 hrs ago, i'm at L8 now,  and was curious about this CC thing.  I plan on playing a lot, although there are a few things that i would need in a club in order to participate on a regular basis...

    I am Canadian!  I also live in the Maritimes, NB, to be exact.  So it would be more beneficial to have a club in Atlantic timezone, or Eastern as an hour behind isn't as bad as 3 or 4... I'm too old to be staying up until 2 or 3 am for a tournament :P

    Do any such clubs exist?

    Looking forward to joining an active group


  • Williams01210021
    1,231 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2018 9:34 AM

    Hi John,

    If you want to join a club then look no further than Fairway Fanatic's. We are one of the most active clubs on here. We have plenty of leagues/tours and competitions going on for all levels. We have a wide mix of members so always get a game.

    We like to help our new members and we are the only club to have a academy set up to focus on this. Alot of our members who are active on our own forums get alot of help along their journey. Plenty of prizes to be won like new clubs and sleeves of balls etc.

    I see you are in a club now but if its not got alot going on feel free to join us. Alot of these clubs dont really have anything going on. If you want to be active and compete in fun events and win prizes then come join us. 

    All the best Will.

  • callaghan159
    6,409 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2018 9:49 AM

    I am Canadian!  I also live in the Maritimes, NB, to be exact.

    Hi John--I also am from NB. Look up The Peoples Club. We are a friendly club with no pressure to play. We have all kinds of tournament for every tier of player.