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How's your coin stash going?

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Sun, Jul 15 2018 11:54 AM (5 replies)
    16 Posts
    Thu, Jul 12 2018 8:57 PM

    This isn't posed as a brag fest or show 'n tell, but I'm often curious what averages are for players of different tiers, levels and lengths of time playing.

    I'm also curious about how others outlook on coins dictate their play and if they set goals for coin earnings?

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2018 12:11 PM


    This isn't posed as a brag fest or show 'n tell, but I'm often curious what averages are for players of different tiers, levels and lengths of time playing.

    I'm also curious about how others outlook on coins dictate their play and if they set goals for coin earnings?

    I returned back to playing nearly two months ago with 700k in silver. Now with just playing the Rio one hole coin game, my Silver stash is almost 14million. Although I have this much, I don’t play the higher stake room.

    How about yours?


  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2018 2:01 PM

    This isn't posed as a brag fest or show 'n tell, but I'm often curious what averages are for players of different tiers, levels and lengths of time playing.
    There ain't no fixed numbers, but skills raise with the challenges, and it may be valid that tiers usually don't raise in average above the second-to-last threshold (at least not for a long time).

    Would be:

    Tour Pros beyond 100

    Masters beyond 80

    Tour Masters beyond 72

    Legends beyond 67

    Tour Legends beyond 63

    Champions beyond 61

    (just guessing)

    16 Posts
    Fri, Jul 13 2018 8:49 PM

    Well, I'm playing on mobile (not sure if that's what you're referring to)... I'm at 3.7M and have been constantly playing Rio (20k entry) for over a month.  I usually set a milestone amount to save up to before I up the ante. I think I saved to 1M before playing constantly in Rio.

    I usually only play under Sponsorship periods, and like the 1-hole, quick matches to get in as many apparel packs as possible. I also like the 20k ante amount... enough to mater, not enough to hurt in a loss.

    I have played a handful of higher matches, with about 5 in Tokyo (250k) and loss 2 of the 5. I fear getting in a rut and loosing a huge chunk of the stash.. which as you know is such a grind to build up.  It's a somewhat conservative mindset.  I was wondering if most others have that conservative approach and assume they do...

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2018 10:39 AM


    Well, I'm playing on mobile (not sure if that's what you're referring to)... I'm at 3.7M and have been constantly playing Rio (20k entry) for over a month.  I usually set a milestone amount to save up to before I up the ante. I think I saved to 1M before playing constantly in Rio.

    I usually only play under Sponsorship periods, and like the 1-hole, quick matches to get in as many apparel packs as possible. I also like the 20k ante amount... enough to mater, not enough to hurt in a loss.

    I have played a handful of higher matches, with about 5 in Tokyo (250k) and loss 2 of the 5. I fear getting in a rut and loosing a huge chunk of the stash.. which as you know is such a grind to build up.  It's a somewhat conservative mindset.  I was wondering if most others have that conservative approach and assume they do...

    Even though I can play against the best, I’ve rather just play the Rio, win or lose, no pressure. Besides, whatelse can you do with too much silver, useless. 


  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2018 11:54 AM

    The top 50 coin owners probably control 99% of the coins in circulation. This is a guess. But it's an educated one.