This is really getting to the bottom of the barrel, wgt! It's bad enough that we have to deal with all the problems, in the game, that you either refuse to fix, or just cant. Now we have to ask for the miniscule prizes that we earned, from the clash? Come on really? Pathetic, is the only thing I can say, in a nice way, without getting moderated! I hope, lol
So we finished 3rd and are in the same boat as everyone. But what surprises me the most is that, normally, within about an hour we get an email saying where we have finished. But we still haven't received any comms for WGT.
It surely can't be that hard to even send an email. As usual, communication from WGT to it's members is really P*SS poor.
But I'm sure our question will either be ignored or a answer (that makes no sense) will be given.