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Surely its Time to open up Tour Champion tier

Mon, Nov 12 2018 6:11 AM (38 replies)
  • Williams01210021
    1,232 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 1:12 PM

    Surely the time has come to open up the next tier, There is clearly some people that have taken the game to a new level, I have only been a champion myself for a week but have thought this needed doing for the last year or so. I would say there is a good amount of players that would be fine going into this new tier group. For me personally i would say anyone who has earner over 5k carer earnings so half a million credits! 

    People with these silly averages of like 49 etc should be in it to. Bring in some new tournaments for them, Even do somthing special like a tour season or somthing. Give the other normal champions a chance to play to win stuff. 

    I know i will get all the people saying i have only just made champ bla bla bla but im saying this because i dont want to spend the next 2/3 years coming in 457th or what ever in a tournament. God to think what some of the bad champions end up in say the monthly wgt one. 

    Open up the new tier and add some unique stuff to it so they get their reward for being in it. Plus will help keep people interested as somthing to aim for. Im sure alot of people are board out there, being a champ, not being able to compete in ready go's or brackets because lets face it, the top 10-20 players just win them all the time, Its not hard to see that its the same faces. 

    Of course Wgt wont do this because this would mean they would have to give away more credits..... might even be 400 for making tour champ and winner of a weekly might get more than 360!!! 

    You have players out there that have tens of thousands of credits just sitting there, they dont need anything else, they just keep playing the ready go's and big tournaments and winning. Again this would mean wgt would lose money as some of the normal champions who hit around 60 not 52/53 would make some credits and not have to buy them! 

    Its well overdue, open it up, put the top 200 or so in it, make it so average of say 53 is needed, make somthing unique for them as a reward for getting that far and thin out the champion tier abit. 

  • callaghan159
    6,423 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 1:54 PM


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 1:55 PM

    This was mentioned in another thread but i totally agree with you. Not sure it should be done on average though as there's a lot of players out there on fake averages from playing red tee tournaments in their country clubs.

    It should be done via a qualifying tournament to get a tour card like in the pro game. Top 100 get a tour card. Those 100 players play in Tour Champion tournaments over a month or so and the bottom 10 in an order of merit lose their card and are back down to Champion tier. They are then replaced by the top 10 from another qualifying tournament. This process then repeats.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 2:03 PM

    I agree

  • abbielb
    1,800 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 2:12 PM

    sounds fair.......and maybe the way forward.......wgt needs to continue moving forward 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 4:47 PM

    It's kinda of hard, on where to start!  I totally agree the need for a new tier, or maybe 2, but where do you start?  You mentioned, silly averages, does that include those that are silly too high, for this tier?  Unlike yourself, not new to champ status, and along those lines, your opinion that all super low averages, came from red tees.  I can tell you,  that broad  of a statement isn't a fair assumption.   Others complain that those who play on mobile, that it is much easier than those on pc. Well, that may be true, but not our fault, wgt hasn't given us a fair shake.  On mobile, we are limited on how we are allowed set up tourneys.This is espically hard for a smaller cc, with only a few legends and up tiers. So we have to find a happy middle ground.  ( That doesn't mean that we can't compete with all others) .  

    Many upper tiers have played these cc tourneys, cuz, we don't have anything to look forward to, except the boredom that you mentioned.  We are limited to what we can participate in,  as a whole in wgt land.  ( due to playing mobile platform) But does this make us a "bad" champion? Maybe the bad champions, are those that can't beat the competition,  so they petition to have those better players, removed, or moved to a different tier, so they can become top dog, without earning it? 

    Ok, so let's move them if they have won 5 k  or more, again what about those , for whatever reason, don't play for money (credits) ?   I'm upset that I can't play in the Andyson memorial, because I play on mobile, is that fair?  I have often checked lots of champions scores in clashs, those that have better avgs. they  arent scoring much better that alot of other chamions. If you're going to look at expanding a new tier, you need to research all the options, so that both platforms are treated fairly, and not discriminated against. Don't just pick and choose, what criteria might fit just a few, consider it all, both platforms.  It might be as simple as the title you choose,  tour champion (m) for mobile players, or something similar?  Just my opinion, but then again, I don't think that they (wgt) will take the time to set something up. 

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 5:19 PM


    This was mentioned in another thread but i totally agree with you. Not sure it should be done on average though as there's a lot of players out there on fake averages from playing red tee tournaments in their country clubs.

    It should be done via a qualifying tournament to get a tour card like in the pro game. Top 100 get a tour card. Those 100 players play in Tour Champion tournaments over a month or so and the bottom 10 in an order of merit lose their card and are back down to Champion tier. They are then replaced by the top 10 from another qualifying tournament. This process then repeats.

    I really like this idea. Kudos


  • GirnBlanston
    648 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 5:25 PM

    AHHHHH, but to dream.  The only way right now to be a tour champ is to kiss some WGT director butt. 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 5:58 PM

    Do you really think that wgt, would ask their programmers to actually do all that, and every month?  Lol   If they had the time to do that, maybe ability too, we'd have flagsticks? I have a feeling, "if" we get the tour champion tier, it's going to be avg. blah, blah, blah, same as all the rest, because it would be the simplest thing to do!  Please the troops, spend the least amount of time and money, the model business plan! 

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Wed, Jul 25 2018 2:22 AM

    Surely [...]

    ...does TC tier work as intended.

    It's empty, a wide open space, and it causes you to spend 400+ words = 2000+ characters on wishful thinking, and you are not even close (Champ with 65.4 ave.).

    Thus, it proves it's worth as a valid carrot dangling before us players, an unreachable target to long for, desire awoken, hopes raised, giving just another reason to keep on grinding...

    OTOH, a few players will always be the pinnacle, and once the tier would be opened, a new tier would be necessary, concepts, meetings, workload - for what?

    The company has no reason to act here...