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how do I appoint a new owner?

Sun, Aug 5 2018 12:51 PM (8 replies)
  • boggydad
    225 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2018 12:55 PM

    more than 2 years ago I bailed on WGT in favor of another online game -- kinda wish I hadn't but the continual glitches were driving me crazy.  I attempted to appoint a new leader for my country club and went through several months of trying.  I finally gave-up and bailed.

    Now I log on and the club is still going and healthy, but with an absentee owner.  I need to appoint someone else to operate this club.  How do I do it???

    boggydad of pokemon haven

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2018 1:54 PM

    You have find someone in the club to transfer it to. In your owners tools, the second line you will see transfer. 

    Type in the person to transfer to and send it. When that person accepts the transfer, its done and you are no longer the owner.


  • fireman33
    2,692 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2018 3:03 PM

    You may want to read up on club transfer. The appointed person must leave the club and when he returns he will be the owner. We went through wgt when we did it. Just a little more to it than assign and move along. Read up on it

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2018 3:27 PM

    In my club we did not have to do that. We tested it, I use it for a backup to me if something happens to me. He has the transfer, he does not accept it unless I'm  gone.

    Meaning Dead

  • jacktrade51
    11,209 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2018 5:08 PM

    Transferring ownership is easy although it takes a few days.  But pick the right new owner.

    Go to club home page, on right "Owner Tools", click on that, and you will see box to fill in new owner.  Trick is he/she has to accept through email and WGT has to approve it, so that can take a couple of days.

    fireman is wrong.  Neither the outgoing nor the new owner have to leave the club to make transfer work.  I know because I've been through it 3 times.

    BTW, your club is not doing well.  1/2 your members are recruits; that is because only club owner can upgrade them from recruit to member no matter who admitted them.  Second, half your members have not played this year, much less in last few months.  And only club owner can kick inactive members.

    I went through a club that cratered because of inactive owner.  I do not want that experience again.

    And, as referenced by Don above, we also have backup plan in case something happens to me, although ours is a little different.

    Tom (Owner of Black Diamond GC)

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2018 10:12 PM

    Go to club home page, on right "Owner Tools", click on that, and you will see box to fill in new owner.  Trick is he/she has to accept through email and WGT has to approve it, so that can take a couple of days.

    fireman is wrong.  Neither the outgoing nor the new owner have to leave the club to make transfer work.


    "Accept through email" means that the candidate will receive a link via email and has to accept by clicking. Thus, one crucial thing is to get that email - so be sure before(!) that the candidate receives emails from WGT!  On problems, it may be sufficient if he changes his email address back and forth in his account, or perform the transition under surveillance of WGT.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2018 4:23 AM

    The other thing is, make sure in his contact settings in the account that he has receive emails from cc and owner checked off.

    Otherwise they wont get the Email.

  • fireman33
    2,692 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2018 12:23 PM

    It's been a while since we switched owners and I may have forgotten a few things that went on but for some reason I had to quit the club to make it work. I know this because the join date does not match the original date I joined. We went through wgt customer service and they told us what he had to do to make it happen. I did not want to take the club but the owner was leaving either way and I did not want to see the club die, So here I am......

    To run a club right it is like taking on a 2nd job.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Aug 5 2018 12:51 PM


    It's been a while since we switched owners and I may have forgotten a few things that went on but for some reason I had to quit the club to make it work. I know this because the join date does not match the original date I joined. We went through wgt customer service and they told us what he had to do to make it happen. I did not want to take the club but the owner was leaving either way and I did not want to see the club die, So here I am......

    To run a club right it is like taking on a 2nd job.

    Yes it is, and nobody knows whats involved