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Bad Sportmanship - How do I handle it?

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Mon, Sep 10 2018 10:56 AM (15 replies)
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  • Gripwright234
    5 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2018 8:16 PM

    Recently I played an Alteranate Ball Competition with 3 other players. We played 9 Holes.

    During the Match one player in particular used vile language regarding the competence of his playing partner (who never responded) and this continued during almost every one of the 9 Holes played. My playing partner ( a woman) and I never commented other than me saying 'Let's just play golf guys"

    After the match the foul-mouthed player wrote a tirade against me. Saying I was racist and was such a bad sport I refused to continue to play when losing. Both statements a total fabrication. 

    My question is .. what can be done about such people. My 'arm-chair' psychology tells me he is very unbalanced.


  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2018 8:17 AM

    Block them and move on...You can  snitch to WGT about them also but really not much will happen to them. If you are not a member of a CC then try and join one and find a group to play with instead of playing random games. 

  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2018 9:20 AM


    Block them and move on...

    ^  Some people aren't worth the air they breathe.  

    Never give them a 2nd thought not worth your time.  Life's too short. 

  • craigswan
    31,548 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2018 9:38 AM

    Agreed .

    Do not write on their walls .

    WGT call this flame baiting and you will be chucked out .

  • alosso
    21,056 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2018 1:42 PM

    Block them and move on..

    One thing to consider is, during the match, to encourage them to rave on "just so I can collect more evidence to show to WGT". He'll never know if you actually do so...

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2018 2:55 PM

    .You can  snitch to WGT about them also but really not much will happen to them

    This is a BS statement.  Not only does "snitches get stitches" not apply, WGT takes this seriously. This isn't a street thug game.

  • ScottHope
    10,349 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2018 3:01 PM

    You can  snitch to WGT about them also but really not much will happen to them.
    You base this on a personal experience?

    I reported a guy once for posting nasty stuff on my wall, and both his profiles have remained inactive ever since.

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2018 6:18 PM


    You can  snitch to WGT about them also but really not much will happen to them.
    You base this on a personal experience?

    I reported a guy once for posting nasty stuff on my wall, and both his profiles have remained inactive ever since.

    No I just dont like the idea of snitching but I have had bad experiences in the past dealing with WGT and their actions toward me as a paying customer was very inadequate. So to say they left a bad taste in my mouth is an understatement. 

    I laid off this game for over 3 years after that and just returned recently in pursuit of passing time on my new laptop and was amazed that my old account still worked . If it had disappeared I would not have lost sleep over it  nor would I be here typing this message . 

    I just guided him (OP) in the least troublesome and proper direction .

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2018 6:23 PM


    .You can  snitch to WGT about them also but really not much will happen to them

    This is a BS statement.  Not only does "snitches get stitches" not apply, WGT takes this seriously. This isn't a street thug game.

    Really .... So I guess my post didnt help. I love how some of you come in here and have no clue who the person your talking to is all very amusing to say the least  and then you quote a portion of a post and call it BS lol really smart dude. Have a good day....

    You can have your forum back now Big Men .

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