A little poll here. Tell me what club and whether it's a Punch or full swing you all use to get the most possible distance out of a fairway bunker. So far I've only been able to get about 100 yards with a punch 7 iron. Thanks everyone.
I just hit a PW and hope it gets back into the fairway. That's about all you can do.
Just look at long fairway shots as a 1 stroke penalty......WGT won't let you do anything with a shot out of a fairway bunker.
Me too - no more than 70 yds, full shot with PW.
I've only been able to get about 100 yards with a punch 7 iron.
Then I guess I'm the one who helped you folks get more yards.
I do not understand why fairway bunkers are so penal in this game.One shot on here I could actually hit better in real golf most times.Just makes it a priority to not go in them if you want to score low.
gerryniswonger: I've only been able to get about 100 yards with a punch 7 iron. Then I guess I'm the one who helped you folks get more yards.
I'm gonna try, for sure.
Tis true that the 7i Punch will get you the max Total Distance (55 Carry + 45 Roll) if the way ahead Is clear but if you've another hazard In the way then the way to go Is the 100 wedge, Bout 72 yards of carry & a further 9 yd's of roll
Thanks everyone. I kinda thought my7i punch was the max.
30% I just Take the 56 or 52 degree wedge and whack it out