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I think i'm ready...

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Sat, Dec 22 2018 4:10 PM (4 replies)
  • Bracket6
    3 Posts
    Tue, Sep 25 2018 5:07 PM

    Hi I am  fairly new to this game and I'm looking toTake it to the next level. I think I play okay I just don't know the ins  and the outs, Instead of wasting valuable time learning them myself I figured I could probably learn a lot more from those that have played a lot longer.  dah right. So little about me, Gmail I am a student studying to be a medical assistant, i am living in sin w/my significant other we don't have any children that live with us but we do have quite a few pets 9 cats, 2dogs and 10 chickens to be exact.  I can't say that I've ever played golf before but I did swing at the ball a couple of times when I was about 9 with my dad and then I've had a little bit of mini-golf very little so absolutely in dark on how to do all those little things you do before you hit the ball.  but would like to learn. I guess I just want to join a club because I think it'd be a lot more fun to an already fun game. Because not everybody likes to putt alone. So if you can let me know EXACTLY what you're  looking for in a club member (be specific please) and what to do next. Thank you

    Sincerely, Carla aka Bracket6 :)

  • mega1byte
    879 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2018 6:36 AM

    Fangorn Forest Country Club

    We are still looking for active players to be part of our club and to grow with us.

    We offer free putter pal and shot pal.

    We hold monthly tournaments within the club for its members.

    Our main guidelines are for members to play nice and be active.

    If a members hasn't played in six months they are removed from our roster. 

    We do enjoy having a large club but not at the expense of inactive members.

    Our club is presently at Level 7.

    So come on down and enjoy the game of golf with us.

  • Indian55
    2,997 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2018 12:54 PM

  • Ladychipper
    23,158 Posts
    Sat, Dec 22 2018 4:10 PM

    Hi Carla,

    Welcome to WGT/Top Golf! 

    Sounds like you have a busy and interesting life.  I love animals as well.  I actually took up real golf after playing it online and find this game quite addictive. 

    Joining a country club would be a great advantage because of the perks and the club I am in helped me tremendously.  We have a good many very helpful and generous people in The Peoples Club.  It is also more fun to play alt shot with others then to play alone.

    Have a look at this link and see if we would be to your liking.  I have been there over 5 years now.


    Marion :-)