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Lexi challenge - Pinehurst

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 27 2018 3:50 PM (6 replies)
  • ChuxtonSmythe
    111 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2018 5:31 AM

    I'm two weeks old here....

    How in the world do you navigate the greens ?  I keep going from one side to the other.

    It is like the volcano in putt-putt.

    Once I am able to get it to stop on the green, it takes four putts to get in the hole cause I'm too scared to hit it firm...

    I wanted to learn to play virtual so I could live a fantasy of being a great golfer.  Pinehurst greens have dashed those dreams.  LOL

    Any helpful hints to ease my pain?

  • pmm711
    5,770 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2018 8:45 AM
    You’re too new to compete in this sort of tourney. The leaders have better equipment and balls vs. the “starter” stuff you’re currently using. Don’t give up as sunnier days are ahead. Hopefully someone from The Peoples Club will see this post and invite you to join their Country Club. You need some guidance and then you need practice practice practice. You’ll get there! Good luck!
  • LLLlloyd88
    179 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2018 9:21 AM

    Assuming the Lexi Challenge is 13 speed greens you have to use the right multiplier for that speed (I use .7) 

    For uphill putts you add the distance + rise in inches + a little extra, then multiply that by .7 for 13 speed greens. (exp: 7 ft 3" up + 1ft = (7+3+1)*.7=7.7 foot putt on your scale.

    For downhill you take the putt distance - slope in inches, sometimes you need to subtract additional feet. (exp: 8 foot putt 2" down = (8-2)*.7= 4.2 foot putt on your scale.

    Here are some of the multipliers for different green speeds that I use:

    7.0 (speed) ~ 1.25 (multiplier)

    8.0 ~1.1

    9.0 ~ 0.95

    10.0 ~ 0.9

    11.0 ~ 0.81

    12.0 ~ 0.78

    13 ~ 0.7


    Hope this helps and doesn't confuse you.

  • ChuxtonSmythe
    111 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2018 9:23 AM


    I guess I asked for it diving in just to see what it was like.  I'm not giving up - I guess the speed of the greens was overwhelming at my level.

    It lets me know how much work I have to do.

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2018 12:32 PM



    I guess I asked for it diving in just to see what it was like.  I'm not giving up - I guess the speed of the greens was overwhelming at my level.

    It lets me know how much work I have to do.

    Smart attitude on your part.  You need to practice way more before even thinking about these types of tournaments.  You will find yourself getting eaten alive.  Another word of caution, watch out for challenge matches for credits, a lot of sharks out there(restarts that already know how to play and now at a lower tier).

    You have been renting a lot of equipment.  I also noticed something about coins, so I am thinking your are a mobile player, also by your join date.  Unless you are renting using coins(which have no value), search around in the forums on suggestions for upgrades of both clubs and when to do it.  Don't waste credits on upgrades needlessly.

    Practice, have fun, and practice more.


  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2018 12:59 PM


    You’re too new to compete in this sort of tourney. The leaders have better equipment and balls vs. the “starter” stuff you’re currently using. Don’t give up as sunnier days are ahead. Hopefully someone from The Peoples Club will see this post and invite you to join their Country Club. You need some guidance and then you need practice practice practice. You’ll get there! Good luck!

    +1 Paul, good advice.

    I wouldn't have said Pinehurst was a good place to start out either. Try somewhere like Bethpage where the greens are certainly flatter and easier to read. Good luck and Happy hittin'




  • ChuxtonSmythe
    111 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2018 3:50 PM

    I appreciate the advice and encouragement - thank you.

    I started as a mobile player, then I found the computer version. Learning lots every day.

    I'm considering clubs to purchase, as I got a set with coins, and came to realize they were only rented for 7 days.  That was a let down.