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Being moderated-my take.

Mon, Mar 21 2022 8:27 AM (137 replies)
  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Fri, Aug 13 2021 3:23 AM

    It doesn't take trigonometry to add this one up .

    Correct. It takes the ability to perceive the written word for just that, and nothing else

    Math has nothing to do with the fact that the *Mods* & I are having a soiree' next Friday at Beth

    Come on down for the festivities..... 

    In fact, math has nothing to do with any of the narrative. 

    Perhaps this is why you're perturbed, befuddled, confused.................

    -  And who or what could have given them the idea ?

    Your own actions??

    Let me tell y'all a story ................. There once was a man named *Jed*. Who was a poor mountaineer who barely kept his family fed, shooting for some food, and, up through the ground came a bubbling crude.

    Oil that is, Texas tea............... You know the rest

    That was as on topic, as your entire blame fest is on topic.... Still confused? Read a book

    I never alluded, to friendships with any WGT employee, past or present....

    You are aligned with the *VEM* crowd. Crazy would be a good fit

    And how would you know they had that fabricated knowledge ?

    Uh, IDK..... Perhaps I am clairvoyant? No, it really is the fact that the mods have asked me to come on board, specifically when you post, just to check for malicious behavior...

    I am trying to score free big balls for compensation. That would mean the *high priced* balls, for the bellyachers

    Your delusions are self induced.

    By the way. Remember when I said you would beat yourself up better than I ever could? Member that?

    Well, you're doing a bang-up job of it... Thank you

    As other notable writers have signed off, with the innocuous>>>>>>

    *Carry on*

    Well. My guess of the morbid curiosity of the *Mods* getting a hold of them, when it comes to this post, was perhaps spot-on. LMAO

    *Good show* Pip pip, cheerio 

    Hesus Paul, You really think they have a personal Hard-spot for you?

    One more thing... You did not mention what % of charge was left on your phone. Last time you used your phone, if memory serves, you were down to 4% and draining fast.

    Could you please forward the type of phone? That is one mean, tenacious battery

    This has been good fodder for all... If you can't take it, get out da kitchen......

    Personally want to shake the *Thank You* stick at the *Mods* for allowing an unabated discussion, (well, more of an inquisition) than discussion, that has unfolded in here.

    Keep the malicious undertones out of your posts, and more may be allowed.

    Negativity is right up front in todays world. 

    I suppose WGT's mods are over-loaded with that, as of late. 

    I only state this because I have seen some of the posts you have been denied. NOT!

    I must say, when asked for my opinion on some of them, I found them derogatory at the least.


    I can't play into your delusion dude. It is WAY to easy, & would cause a tsunami of complaints . 

    So, I just let you continue to do it for me... With every STROKE of your digits, you bring your story to an all time pinnacle of conspiracy theories, against you, by almost EVERYONE in here, at one time

    Perhaps a part time job would be better mental heath time for you, rather than rehashing old WGT quarrels.

    Skippity de do da, skippity de day, If I don't get to work, my phone's last charge, will wither away........... 

    Positive advice for the chargingly challenged people.......................

    Takes fewer muscles to smile, than frown


  • tramilleo
    1,883 Posts
    Fri, Aug 13 2021 5:40 AM

    Paul i am glad you are in a better place now, i cant imagine the anguish you and your wife experienced. 

  • SamSpayed
    4,998 Posts
    Mon, Aug 16 2021 5:35 PM


      It is one thing to be Moderated . And have a rapport with Moderation . Which I always had .
      But to change from that to having 30 % of my posts not posted . To not responding to requests to discuss this issue . To more than obvious favoritism . Allowing a certain group of individuals to run rampant with no consequences .
      But not even allow me to post . For the last 4 years .
      Is more than depressing .

    Paul, I'm going to be brutally honest with you here.  There are very good reasons why you remain on moderation.  You know exactly what those reasons are.  WGT has told you why.  You've posted what they told you here in the Forums, in another thread.  I will not repeat it here.

    Although I have no say in the matter, IMHO you should remain on moderation indefinitely.  In fact, in my opinion (and probably the opinions of many others here), WGT does not moderate you enough.  You continually clog threads with nonsense.  You resurrect threads that have been dormant for years without adding anything to the discussion.  You derail threads with pictures of trophies that ought to be posted on users' Walls instead... or sent to them in a private message.  You post tons of misinformation, and the saddest thing about that is that when you do so, you mislead new players who don't know any better.  You make long, bloviated posts about nothing... some of which are just endless links to other Forum posts.  And those are just some of your offenses here.

    There is an internet adage called Godwin's Law that you might be familiar with.  I am going to coin a new, similar law that I'll call "Sammy's Law".  My new law states that the longer a WGT forum thread goes on, the higher the probability becomes that pdb1 will post some utter nonsense in that thread. 

    tl;dr:  You might consider posting less.  In fact, please do.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,899 Posts
    Mon, Aug 16 2021 6:26 PM


  • twinponds169
    3,028 Posts
    Mon, Aug 16 2021 7:35 PM


    Paul, I'm going to be brutally honest with you here.  There are very good reasons why you remain on moderation.  You know exactly what those reasons are.  WGT has told you why.  You've posted what they told you here in the Forums, in another thread.  I will not repeat it here.

    Although I have no say in the matter, IMHO you should remain on moderation indefinitely.  In fact, in my opinion (and probably the opinions of many others here), WGT does not moderate you enough.  You continually clog threads with nonsense.  You resurrect threads that have been dormant for years without adding anything to the discussion.  You derail threads with pictures of trophies that ought to be posted on users' Walls instead... or sent to them in a private message.  You post tons of misinformation, and the saddest thing about that is that when you do so, you mislead new players who don't know any better.  You make long, bloviated posts about nothing... some of which are just endless links to other Forum posts.  And those are just some of your offenses here.

    There is an internet adage called Godwin's Law that you might be familiar with.  I am going to coin a new, similar law that I'll call "Sammy's Law".  My new law states that the longer a WGT forum thread goes on, the higher the probability becomes that pdb1 will post some utter nonsense in that thread. 

    tl;dr:  You might consider posting less.  In fact, please do.


    +1000 Sam, absolutely spot on.

    And +1000 to Joe as well, he is also spot on.