I finished a mobile 9-hole match a little while ago which had my opponent and I going shot for shot, only to end up tied. Well, it was a letdown when the tiebreaker shot was just an 80 yard wedge into a flat green with no wind. We both dropped it within a yard of the hole, me winning by less than a foot.
Sure, you can say just play a little better and you won't end up tied, which is fair. But it tends to take the air out of things when it comes down to essentially a coin flip as shot variance is probably more influential than choosing the correct power and dinging the shot.
I would like to see the tiebreaker shots be close around the hole where there is options in the shots. Do you pitch and play the break on a green you know well, or do you risk the errant flop to avoid those errant rolls that mess up the shot?
Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of times where you do get to play some strategy on long shots. For example if the pin is placed on the side of a green that slopes heavily and and errant shot will roll off. Maybe you hit a safe shot and challenge the second player to go for it.
But it seems too often a good match is sort of spoiled with a very basic CTTH shot.