YankeeJim: Joe's advice comes from the same place my opinion does-experience and study.
My advice also comes from experience considering the fact that I play with the free ball every day . So if a 50 yard punch shot isnt a 50 yard punch shot , then what is it . This garbage of a player cant use or play with the free ball is just that garbage . Its the first ball that we all first learned to play with .
Its just like any other ball once you learn how to play with it . There are plenty of players who use the rock to not only practice with but also play with it . I learned to play with the rock because of players who complained about running out of balls during a round . The same players who wanted to be able to pull another ball from their bag during play .
So contrary to what others may say , using the free ball for practice rounds is fine . There`s no need to waste purchased balls on practice rounds . So the OP can either take the advice from players who dont use the free ball . Or they can take the advice from some one who does use the free ball every day .