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Mon, Oct 22 2018 4:30 PM (22 replies)
  • Inthehole167
    5 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2018 6:56 AM

    Is there a way to practice chipping/ pitching like we can putting? I really need to work on that aspect of my game!

  • LLLlloyd88
    179 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2018 9:01 AM

    I would recommend playing a hole with a flat green like St. Andrews #9 in practice mode. Hit the ball near the green and keep taking mulligans. Hit the ball at 100%, 95%, etc and note the distance of landing and roll out.

    I prefer pitching myself, even if it's only 5 yards, because it flies much closer to the hole and stops quicker. 

    You'll probably want to use 50%-100% back spin.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2018 9:21 AM

    Stroke play practice rounds is the best way to work on your game . With a 51% G.I.R. you need to work on your short game . Work on your pitch punch and flop shots and you wont need to chip . If in practice mode and using the mulligan , use the free ball . Using the mulligan will cost 2 strokes on a purchased ball .

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2018 11:40 AM


    Stroke play practice rounds is the best way to work on your game . With a 51% G.I.R. you need to work on your short game . Work on your pitch punch and flop shots and you wont need to chip . If in practice mode and using the mulligan , use the free ball . Using the mulligan will cost 2 strokes on a purchased ball .

    Practicing chipping, pitching, and flops  with the free 0 spin ball isn't going to help him much even if the ball he is using only has a spin rating of 1. If he is going to learn he needs to practice with the ball he is using even if he uses up a ball or two. The only time practicing with the free ball might work is putting because except for meter spped the free ball putts just like the most expensive Titleist ball.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2018 11:55 AM

    Practicing chipping, pitching, and flops  with the free 0 spin ball isn't going to help him much even if the ball he is using only has a spin rating of 1. If he is going to learn he needs to practice with the ball he is using even if he uses up a ball or two. The only time practicing with the free ball might work is putting because except for meter spped the free ball putts just like the most expensive Titleist ball.


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2018 3:43 PM



    Stroke play practice rounds is the best way to work on your game . With a 51% G.I.R. you need to work on your short game . Work on your pitch punch and flop shots and you wont need to chip . If in practice mode and using the mulligan , use the free ball . Using the mulligan will cost 2 strokes on a purchased ball .

    Practicing chipping, pitching, and flops  with the free 0 spin ball isn't going to help him much even if the ball he is using only has a spin rating of 1. If he is going to learn he needs to practice with the ball he is using even if he uses up a ball or two. The only time practicing with the free ball might work is putting because except for meter spped the free ball putts just like the most expensive Titleist ball.

    I dont know where you got that idea from . I practice with the rock all of the time with no problems . A 50 yard punch is a 50 yard punch no matter the ball that you use . Especially with the high end cleveland wedges . 

    I can use the rock and hit the same shots and get the same results as if using my L35+ cally ball . He will just have to learn how to hit the shots and if he knows his clubs then the ball wont matter .


  • NoLoneZone
    15 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2018 7:09 PM

    bartender would you please slide that champion another drink.  Its on me.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2018 6:58 AM

    A 50 yard punch is a 50 yard punch no matter the ball that you use . Especially with the high end cleveland wedges . 

    This is patently wrong. There is quite a dramatic difference, depending on the ball you use. Joe's advice comes from the same place my opinion does-experience and study.

    I dont know where you got that idea from

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2018 8:26 AM

    Joe's advice comes from the same place my opinion does-experience and study.

    My advice also comes from experience considering the fact that I play with the free ball every day . So if a 50 yard punch shot isnt a 50 yard punch shot , then what is it . This garbage of a player cant use or play with the free ball is just that garbage . Its the first ball that we all first learned to play with .

    Its just like any other ball once you learn how to play with it . There are plenty of players who use the rock to not only practice with but also play with it . I learned to play with the rock because of players who complained about running out of balls during a round . The same players who wanted to be able to pull another ball from their bag during play .

    So contrary to what others may say , using the free ball for practice rounds is fine . There`s no need to waste purchased balls on practice rounds . So the OP can either take the advice from players who dont use the free ball . Or they can take the advice from some one who does use the free ball every day .

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2018 12:34 PM

    This garbage of a player cant use or play with the free ball is just that garbage . Its the first ball that we all first learned to play with .

    Nobody said that at all, the topic was practicing with it.  Your contention  that a "punch is a punch" is what I took exception to. The ball makes a big difference with respect to distance and control so practicing with anything other than what you actually use is a waste of time.