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Mon, Oct 22 2018 4:30 PM (22 replies)
  • NoLoneZone
    15 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2018 7:43 PM
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 11:46 AM

    There you have it, folks. Take the facts with a grain of salt.   :-)


    Is there a way to practice chipping/ pitching like we can putting? I really need to work on that aspect of my game!

    I'm sure you didn't expect what you got but hopefully you can sift through the nonsense--the good advice sticks out. The point is, practice with the ball you use regularly, one ball is usually enough to get you where you want to go.

    The pictures I posted were from Kia #1 but BPB #4 is where I learned to do what you're asking about. Get to the back side and you have a nice flat green with enough room to practice punches, pitches and chips.

    Set yourself up in practice mode and use the Mulligan feature. It's real easy to learn a shot if you can take the same one over and over and one ball will go a long way even though it costs you 2 hits for one. GL

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 12:12 PM

    I actually miss Henry...

  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 1:14 PM

    Set yourself up in practice mode and use the Mulligan feature. It's real easy to learn a shot if you can take the same one over and over and one ball will go a long way even though it costs you 2 hits for one.

    Note that the "2 hits for one" in practice can save you many times over the number of hits you take later in ranked rounds.  Trust us on that one!

  • el3n1
    4,514 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2018 5:26 PM

    It saddens me to see what inquiring players/members have to put up with or read through to seek relatively simple questions.

    Some ego's in this forum are simply too big for their own good and can't offer insightful advice without nit picking someone else...

    ---it occurred to me the length of my post may have also been seen to exacerbate the issue I sought to avoid or discourage... I have extracted the bulk of my reflections and placed the bulk of my entry on my own profile in my blog entries.  If anyone deems it to be worth the read, they can view it there.  

    Best of luck...

  • callaghan159
    6,453 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2018 12:11 PM


    I actually miss Henry...

    I thought this was Henry, he was  just using different names

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2018 6:01 PM
    This thread REEKS! of those days long ago when all the trolls and experts(?) were at each others throats on every entry anyone made in the forums, subject, line of thought, accuracy of answer to op entry, none of it mattered. just get in as many licks as possiable as soon as possible to see if the opposing force wudd give anything up! i guess with certain players not much has changed when you scratch the surface. a very sad example of how not give advise to someone asking for clarification of a meaning of certain information they are unfamilure with. my response is: there is a high of 5, a low of 0, so a 3.7 is moderately high but not all the way. seen another way, as a 3 is equal to 3/5ths of the whole or 60%. a 4 is 4/5ths or 80%. a .7 is 70% of a whole, the whole being 20, it equals 14. added to the whole of 3 they equate to 74% of the #5 which is the maximum. as to the spin question you must use and practice with YOUR ball whatever it is. Having been trained in long distantce weapons use, you never use something other than what you are going to use in real situations, anything less than that is foolhardy. My Nickle. okay trolls have at it, and be able to offer sound reasoning, not just "in my experance" !
  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2018 6:02 PM


    I actually miss Henry...

    I thought this was Henry, he was  just using different names

    still glad the henry stays quite. my nickle.
  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2018 4:07 AM



    I actually miss Henry...

    I thought this was Henry, he was  just using different names

    still glad the henry stays quite. my nickle.

    Unfortunately he’s back! 


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2018 4:46 AM




    I actually miss Henry...

    I thought this was Henry, he was  just using different names

    still glad the henry stays quite. my nickle.

    Unfortunately he’s back! 

    He is?...haven't heard a peep.