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Sat, Nov 17 2018 10:04 AM (40 replies)
  • jacktrade51
    11,208 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2018 2:12 PM

    This here is how rumors get started. I know you were only kidding but why even say such a thing.

    Point taken and I apologize to you & your club.

    I was not trying to cast any aspersions against any club, including The Georgians, other than the one that has been alluded to in this forum.  

    I was following up on another WGT member's suggestion that if we used aforementioned trick against you guys, WGT might be moved to do something (although I added I would not stoop to that).  But apparently that may not be true either.


  • RonaldReagan40
    46 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2018 4:25 PM


    How does one generate thousands of points in a club clash match without showing a round played?  I have looked up scores.  They had NO SCORES.

    I will not call out club by name today, but I will on Monday without response.  I am also sending a message directly to WGT.  

    Blatant cheating.

    I have also reported this club for cheating in the last clash. How players score 348 & 286 (before any multipliers) at Pinehurst in high winds is beyond me, especially when neither had actually played the course before posting the score. Both, however, played the best of par 5 course. Then both put up scores of 34 & 36 at Pinehurst. 

    I reported the same club in May, yet no action has been taken and they continue to get away with it. 

    If this continues then my club will cease spending money to compete in these clashes. 


  • jacktrade51
    11,208 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2018 6:22 PM

    As I said above, Black Diamond GC is the latest victim not the only.  Thanks to link to other post from racoondad.

    So the question remains:  What is WGT doing about it?

    In self-defense, other clubs might have to copy which makes the club clash ridiculous.


  • iamvapour
    3,605 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2018 6:34 PM

    Hi Dame you Juneau Hottie!

    (Kevin, from Anchorage, xo)

    Saw Sean4555 was on a while ago, great guy in my Club.

    Ok, so they HAVE been reported,The BDHGC.

    The perpetrators are well known but also have ties

    to the original WGT, pre-TOPGOLF.

    A few of them, so the rumor goes, are unpaid Mods.

    They know the Coding for the software, or were friends of the original Coders.

    My impression is, they like tweaking all of the variables, to find the Borders of the Performance Envelope.

    Hey Look what I can do ! -type of thing.

    How? Don't know. But that Club you refer to, is Older Than Dirt.

    Some of those Players helped design the Interface, we now take for Granted.

    They don't ever seem to pop up, too high on the Radar, though, either.

    Then, WGT would have to do something.

    Ya, Georgians don't cheat, we are just healthy Neurotics.

    xo Dame ty Sean, Great Thread here, all.


  • Kiewiet963
    1,151 Posts
    Sat, Oct 27 2018 1:01 AM

    Besides acting against this club, I feel that WGT can also return all credits spent during a clash against them.


  • jacktrade51
    11,208 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 12:44 PM

    Another clash, and a new club, ironically 1st name of player starts with "w" who owns a club which starts with "g", but it is a different one from last clash.   222 points using superpass on Kiawah, but his lowest score on Kiawah was 32 (my 30 with an eagle was only worth 172 points) but he did have a 37 on BOP5 posted at about time as the 222 points showed up on clash scoreboard.

    WGTChampion has been given the actual names.  Now let us see what they do.

    It is also interesting how cheaters shut down their wall so it is difficult to talk to them directly.  The 2 cheaters share that in common also.

    Any club owner or clash director for his club wants the name, friend me.

  • amateur4sure
    2,235 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 1:55 PM

    lol Best of luck getting your answers Jack...

    I have zero interest in these clashes as most don`t so I cannot comment on the strangeness that goes on with the clubs beginning with G and ending with Win so I won`t..




  • AlaskanDame
    19,741 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 2:28 PM

    Another clash, and a new club, ironically 1st name of player starts with "w" who owns a club which starts with "g", but it is a different one from last clash.   222 points using superpass on Kiawah, but his lowest score on Kiawah was 32 (my 30 with an eagle was only worth 172 points) but he did have a 37 on BOP5 posted at about time as the 222 points showed up on clash scoreboard.

    Good for you "jack" - trying to get the glitch-users out of play. Some call them "cheaters," whatever. It's wrong to do if, unlike the "awards glitch," the way to use it is not spread among everyone.

    Speaking of which, my club has played that "g" club already in this Clash. The owner did not play -- and none of the scores of "g" who did play looked out of line. We won about 6000 - 2000. So it appears that "w" may not have shared how to use his "glitch" even with his own club members. However, I will be on the lookout if we play them again. Thanks.

  • Mandlebrot
    521 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 2:33 PM

    I reported this in May, as we can all see it's still going on. Don't hold your breath.

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 4:18 PM

    At least after the first Clash WGT (where any CC Tournament gave points) had the ethics / morals / civility / business sense - whatever you want to call it to hold off on the second for months until the bug was fixed.

    I guess if enough keep buying passes and balls they could care less now.