Hi Dame you Juneau Hottie!
(Kevin, from Anchorage, xo)
Saw Sean4555 was on a while ago, great guy in my Club.
Ok, so they HAVE been reported,The BDHGC.
The perpetrators are well known but also have ties
to the original WGT, pre-TOPGOLF.
A few of them, so the rumor goes, are unpaid Mods.
They know the Coding for the software, or were friends of the original Coders.
My impression is, they like tweaking all of the variables, to find the Borders of the Performance Envelope.
Hey Look what I can do ! -type of thing.
How? Don't know. But that Club you refer to, is Older Than Dirt.
Some of those Players helped design the Interface, we now take for Granted.
They don't ever seem to pop up, too high on the Radar, though, either.
Then, WGT would have to do something.
Ya, Georgians don't cheat, we are just healthy Neurotics.
xo Dame ty Sean, Great Thread here, all.