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WGTChampion's Elimination Tournament

Mon, Nov 5 2018 9:23 AM (61 replies)
  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 4:03 PM

    Hi everyone. I'm running an elimination tournament this week. The way it works is that only 100 players will be able to enter round 1 on October 30. 

    Round 2 will occur on October 31 and include only the top 50 players of Round 1. 

    Round 3 will occur on November 1 and include the top 25 players of Round 2. 

    Round 4 will be the final round beginning on November 2 and include the top 12 of Round 3. 

    Unlike a normal multi-round tournament this will not include the scores of previous rounds. This means that if a player is ranked 1st in round 1 and ranked 26 in round 2 they will not make it to round 3. 

    There is an entry fee of 100 credits and the top 6 players of the final round will receive credits for their placement. 

    Lastly, each round, other than round 1, will have a fluctuating time on when it starts based on when I get into the office to set up the next round. We currently do not have a way to easily structure this kind of tournament so please if you like this style drop your feedback in here so we I can give devs a reason to build it. This also means that players will NOT receive any kind of notification that round 2 has started. I will be updating this post each day with a link to the next round, but if you made it to round 2 you shouldn't need the link to enter. 

    ROUND 1 (Oct 30) Final Results are in!

    ROUND 2 (Oct 31) Final Results are in! 

    ROUND 3 (Nov 1) Final Results are in!

    ROUND 4 (Nov 2) Good luck in the final round. Ends at 6am Pacific Nov 3. 


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 4:12 PM

    The way it works is that only 100 players will be able to enter round 1 on October 30. 

    Your normal office hour time to start looking for it? Suspect it'll fill in an instant.

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 4:24 PM


    The way it works is that only 100 players will be able to enter round 1 on October 30. 

    Your normal office hour time to start looking for it? Suspect it'll fill in an instant.

    EDIT: Totally missed the point on your question. Round 1 is set to start at 1am Pacific. Subsequent rounds will be when I get in to the office.

    Original Reply: Usually in between 7 and 8 Pacific. I'll be pushing through the new round as quickly as possible. Since it will only include the people who qualified for round 2 no one will have to worry about losing their spot, only making sure they get the round in. 


    P.S. If you all like this style this will not be the last one. It's more of a trial to see if you all like the style. In the future we could have more players and a larger scale for entrants and such. 

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 4:37 PM


    Do you suspect  (or even think in your wildest dreams) that one of the spots will be open when I get up at 7 am Pacific?

    Why not anyone who plays the first round qualifies?


  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 5:09 PM

    There is an entry fee of 100 credits and the top 6 players of the final round will receive credits for their placement. 

    Similar to a 100 player bracket, kinda, sorta.

    I'll give it a go. 

    It'd be nice if you could start a new one, once the current one fills.

    I hope the pic (Chambers Bay) is for promotional appearances only and none of the rounds are played at CB.


  • jacktrade51
    11,257 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 5:11 PM


    I just clicked on link and could not enter.

    Does that mean 100 entered early?  Or, does it mean first come first serve tomorrow?  

    I'm OK either way, just trying to figure out whether I should look for it tomorrow.  The concept is quite cool.


  • pmm711
    5,808 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 5:24 PM

    Totally missed the point on your question. Round 1 is set to start at 1am Pacific. Subsequent rounds will be when I get in to the office.

    So 4am Eastern tomorrow the 30th.  Single play like a bracket...I hope.

  • Woodie312
    671 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 5:46 PM

    I'm in if we have a spot left for me at 7am


  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 8:54 PM



    I just clicked on link and could not enter.

    Does that mean 100 entered early?  Or, does it mean first come first serve tomorrow?  

    I'm OK either way, just trying to figure out whether I should look for it tomorrow.  The concept is quite cool.


    Not open yet. No one entered just yet.

    @jayw first round is CB. And hilariously it's because I remember pmm telling me he liked that course. Feel free to recommend other courses you like more for future rounds. 

    To whoever asked (I'm on my phone which makes it hard to look back) I doubt there will be spots available at 7. But also if you all like the format it won't be the last one. I'm also doing this over 4 days because of the downtime so the next one will definitely be at least 5 days. Or maybe I'll start with an unlimited round to start as a qualifier. Who knows? I'm trying some stuff out right now and seeing what sticks. Thanks to everyone for their interest.