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Putting Tip: Distance Control

Mon, Jan 2 2023 5:14 PM (1,173 replies)
  • AlexBorgesjr
    1,310 Posts
    Tue, Nov 5 2013 6:36 PM

    i thought it was very helpful


  • acebishop
    116 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 11:03 AM

    Norm,  I use Rossa. It is great for those who putt by missing the ding.  Unless it is a straight putt i always miss ding.  Have worked at it for a good 2 months.  Figured out how much ding to miss based on the dot speed.  Have it down to an art.  But understand, I miss ding only putting in reverse view, shows a better read on the dots.

    Have not found alot of golfers that miss ding in reverse view.  In the front view yes.



  • dryspot
    778 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 11:56 AM

    Im a do it all golfer sometimes i miss ding sometimes i just

    try 2 ding. i putt from front view and reverse view. And i know this might

    be a dumb question but if u decide 2 miss the ding how can u tell

    which side 2 miss on i tryed missing early and late and most times

    i choose the wrong side lol.


  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 12:03 PM


    Im a do it all golfer sometimes i miss ding sometimes i just

    try 2 ding. i putt from front view and reverse view. And i know this might

    be a dumb question but if u decide 2 miss the ding how can u tell

    which side 2 miss on i tryed missing early and late and most times

    i choose the wrong side lol.


    Always miss on the side of the break. If it is breaking right-left you must miss on the right. 

  • acebishop
    116 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2013 12:07 PM

    looking from reverse view..the dots r moving to the right of the hole you miss ding to the right. looking at front view the dots will be moving to the left so you miss ding to the right.


    Go to a practice round and using the mulligan feature you can see how it works.



  • masnaktip
    340 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2013 12:47 PM


    I am getting extremely frustrated by the fast greens. Seems like I had more success a few yers ago with the slower greens.

    Suggest you adjust green speed according to player's abilities and also have a PRACTICE PUTTING AREA so that we don't need to play a full round to practice putting.

    Has been said before you have all the putting you want including most other shots you want to practice. You even have mulligans now. But I always did a random 3 hole practice round ( you can also do longer ones ) You can quit anytime. 

    Putting: So now you are on the green go ahead and putt, you miss, now you move your aim back to where you were or anywhere else and hit the ball at whatever strength you want so it will go away from the hole. Next putt back to the hole if you miss again do the same thing over and over again till you have used up all the shots on that hole.

    So this system can be used for other shots as well. Most times you get 10 shots maximum per hole.

    Send payments for this advice to me not wgt.

    Thank you

  • dryspot
    778 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2013 2:05 PM

    Yes the green speeds can be very frustrating.

    But i usually subtract about  1ft 1/2 per inch on downhill putts.

    im not a very good putter myself but that should get u close

    also add 1ft per inch on uphill putts also  hope this helps.


  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2013 3:52 PM

    Most times you get 10 shots maximum per hole.

    I believe it might be 15 now.


  • EricVonZipper
    20 Posts
    Mon, Nov 11 2013 8:24 PM


     i usually subtract about  1ft 1/2 per inch on downhill putts.

    also add 1ft per inch on uphill putts also  hope this helps.


    I concur ...add1 foot per 1" uphill and subtract 1 foot per 1" downhill for the normal dark Blue and Red slopes. HOWEVER that's not going to work with Steep Orange and Light Blue slopes ... They add BIGGER numbers, I havn't figured those out yet. ? Has anyone got THOSE numbers ?

  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Wed, Nov 13 2013 10:22 AM

    I think I have found a way to figure out each of every 1ns putters. Go to the first hole on St. Andrews and do this in a practice round with the balls u r currently using. You will have 15 shots (mulligan’s) to figure this out. Or reset a new game. Set up the practice round for each green speed you are making your putter distances graph for. Drive. Then hit towards the right front of the green at say 4:00. You can activate each scale 10, 20, 30, 50,100, all of which your putter has by being father away from the pin. If you putt across the front of the green 4:00—7:00 you will have a flat zone. When you move the arrow to set your putt watch the color of the line of it. It will turn red if the green is sloping away from u. It will turn blue if it is heading uphill. You are searching for black, .though it wants to point & give u the green mostly in front of u towards the flag,  it will go left or right away from u. Look at the black lines under your feet. The front part of the green is what you are aiming for. Be careful u don’t hit the balls in the canal. If you are on the 60 foot scale putt at 10 % write it down. Take a mulligan back to the same spot. Hit 20% if it is double the 10% you can just add the percentages.hit a 30% to make sure the increments are equally multiplying. To get to the larger scales putt further away from the pin still on the front. You should be able to get all but the 300 foot as the green is not long enough. Just by hitting 10,20,30,40, % etc. and then make your own graph for your putter on level ground. Change the game to different green speeds and do it all over again for each speed. Then use the uphill & downhill stuff these other nice folks have helped with and you should have your own much targeted scale.

    It is working fine for me. I am not the best at reading break, but the distances are spot on. Hope this is understandable & helpful.
