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Putting Tip: Distance Control

Mon, Jan 2 2023 5:14 PM (1,173 replies)
  • blitz81
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Dec 14 2013 12:29 AM

    I'm referring to the 3 click swing meter(experimental),not the original Power bar..It was introduced like 3 months ago...It does look like the Putter Pal...Thanks,ScottHope.

  • blitz81
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Dec 14 2013 12:05 PM

    When you look in to your equipment,look under Meters..You'll see it there..Thanks.

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Sat, Dec 14 2013 2:21 PM

    This picture is of the 3 click meter...

    ...are the lines you mention in this picture?

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Dec 14 2013 8:07 PM


    Im a do it all golfer sometimes i miss ding sometimes i just

    try 2 ding. i putt from front view and reverse view. And i know this might

    be a dumb question but if u decide 2 miss the ding how can u tell

    which side 2 miss on i tryed missing early and late and most times

    i choose the wrong side lol.


    No question is really dumb.  Some of the silliest of questions can be the good ones.

    Not sure if yo have fixed your little problem yet but for others reading this...

    I'm a miss the ding putter...  you sound like what I was like when I first started to miss the ding.  Basically in 2 minds....  miss the ding or aim and ding.  You have to decide on one and stick to it.

    The dot movements stay the same on each different course... so if you play the one course often,   start to put the movements in a group... no movement, slow, med, fast,  very fast.  Once you do this then you can consistantly miss the ding for that group.  Each course is different though.   For very fast dot movements then move the Aim and miss the ding... sometimes close to the end line.

    Dots move to me or away from me...  then I click the opposite of that direction, eg: dots moving to me then I click right of ding...  dots moving away from my Avatar then I click left of ding...  how far to miss the ding depends on how fast they are moving.

    With the snake dot movements or your not sure what they are doing (like most greens on ... just ding it (hit straight)

    This all depends on the how hard you hit the ball too



  • dryspot
    778 Posts
    Sat, Dec 14 2013 9:14 PM

    Yea them greens at kiawah can be very confusing lol.

    I usually move the marker if im more than 15 ft away from the pin.

    I think im getting a bit better at least i hope i am lol.

    Thanx 4 your info ill give it a try all the best to you      thank you.


  • blitz81
    6,879 Posts
    Sun, Dec 15 2013 1:07 AM

    Thanks,ScottHope&Mantis for your answer and advice..I just messed up(i'm bad),there's no lines in there..I'll keep on playing and i'm sure i'll get better..Take care guys,and thanks again...Tony.

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Sun, Dec 15 2013 2:28 AM

    No worries Tony, I seem to be messing up more than ever nowadays, maybe it's time to ditch this and go back to Lego™

  • blitz81
    6,879 Posts
    Sun, Dec 15 2013 6:04 AM

    I think you're right my friend,but i'm a hard head so i'll stick with this 4 now(until Perfect Parallel comes along!!!LOL...B good...if u

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 11:57 PM

    I usually move the marker if im more than 15 ft away from the pin

    I hardly move the Aim, regardless of how far away I'm from the Pin. Except when the dots are moving at warp speed.

    Start a practice round and find a flat green (good luck fnding then click just before the last line on meter or just after the first line.  Careful not to click on those lines or the ball will go 2 inches, make sure your in the boundary's.  This will give you a good idea of how far the ball will turn.



    Thanks,ScottHope&Mantis for your answer and advice..I just messed up(i'm bad),there's no lines in there..I'll keep on playing and i'm sure i'll get better..Take care guys,and thanks again...Tony.

    No Probs.  Don't overthink anything, just do basic calculations and hit.

    Or,  I heard a wise old man once say....    "Use the Force"

    Keep practising,  it will all fall in to place.

  • rafamaru74
    2 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 11:41 PM

    muchas gracias esto es d gran utilidad para poder empezar a jugar