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9000 posts ( pending )

Thu, Nov 8 2018 4:01 AM (42 replies)
  • Luckystar5
    1,638 Posts
    Wed, Oct 31 2018 9:29 PM

    Not playing at the moment but just for chits and giggles (no balls needed):

    9000 BC (BCE for the PC brigade) was the end of the last ice age and the start of the stone tools/agriculture period - The start of the farming (agrarian) period which changed everything, and was only usurped by the Industrial Revolution 


    Now OK arguments over places like Atlantis / homo sapien ancestors / spots here and there exist but 9,000 BC is where what we know now basically got going:)


    Also ALCOHOL..(Beer?)

    The earliest known alcoholic beverage is a 9,000-year-old Chinese concoction made from rice



    Congrats on 9000 and nice thread:)

    That's 9000 years of brewing beer, from rice, is now called Budweiser, lol
  • craigswan
    31,545 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 12:40 AM

    Siri - do you know alcaudin 9000.

  • whiplash1977
    41 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 2:12 AM

    Belo Horizonte uncovered a 9,000-year-old skull buried only about two feet below the surface  under limestone slabs. The site, known as Lapa do Santo, has been long known to have housed humans dating back 12,000 years. However, as announced this week, the skull could be the oldest-known example of a burial ritual centered around the beheading of the deceased in the Americas....     

  • Stobsbee
    4,784 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 2:21 AM

    A Swedish 9000

  • VEM9000
    169 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 4:31 AM

    You rang ?

    Vem :)

  • pmm711
    5,641 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 5:45 AM

    9000 is an interestingly weird number to say the least...

    9000 benches are in New York City's Central Park which would stretch 7 miles if placed end to end.

    9000 is the average number of peas everyone in Britain eats per year.

    9000 years old, the Kennewick Man’s remains, discovered nearly 20 years ago along the banks of the Columbia River in Washington State, comprise one of the most complete ancient skeletons ever found.

    9000 years ago humans started to tame and herd goats.

    9000 is the average number of taste buds on a human tongue and they get regenerated every 2 weeks.

    9000 mosquito bites per person, per minute was recorded in the interest of science when Arctic researchers uncovered their chests, arms, and legs.  At that rate, an unprotected human would lose one half of his or her blood supply in approximately 2 hours.

    I also think 9000 was the number the Beatles were referring to here...

    … And though the holes were rather small...They had to count them all... Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall

  • Fenir1
    4 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 6:07 AM

    Around 9000 BC the city of Jericho was apparently founded, as was the settlement of Pulli in Estonia  .. (really ?)

    "9000 !" vid


  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 7:33 AM

    9000 is an ever composite number, composed of 3 Prime numbers multiplied together.

    to us thickies that dont understand the question Andy, but an interesting fact none the less.......

    a shark will only attack you if your wet :)

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 7:43 AM

    interesting fact, pertaining to 9000....


    You joined March 2012, about 80 months on WGT.  Your average post per month (ppm) is approximately 112 ppm.  Not sure when saturation kicks in.  LOL


    edit, if your average continues, you'll hit 18000 posts on July 1, 2025 ( my 47th birthday) :)

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2018 7:48 AM

    a shark will only attack you if your wet :)


    LOL  reminds me of one I heard the other day.  


    If your parachute fails to open, you have the rest of your life to fix it.