Every time I shoot I get an error and it goes to a flash screen of a field with an old barn and a green in front. there's a menu but no help with whatever caused the error? Does not say what kind of error or anything? Anyone else experience this? I'm on my full pc which is plenty powerful enough for these graphics and has lots of ram 16 gig. The resources are barelly being taxed. I run the game in mozilla waterfox (the 64 bit browser). The only msg I can see is an exclamation point by the url and that just says it's not a secure connection. I've checked all the settings to do with the site in my security panel and it is all open to allow access? I do not understand what's going on but it's really frustrating and I so wanted to play this game. I love golf and there are few choices of golf games to play on the internet that are quality games?? Anyone that can help would be much appreciated??
Try a thorough flash cache clearout. Here
Bloody timewasters!!
Sounds to me like the good old Not entirely Unexpected Error.
It's been happening a lot recently after watching replays, not sure what's behind it. I'll have to investigate further