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Length on chips etc

Thu, Jul 28 2011 7:28 AM (27 replies)
  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 5:24 AM


    I'm very curious where you have gotten the lengths from on chips, pitches and such?

    It always seems to go WAY further than the yards says it should. For example:

    I hit a chip about 90% that was supposed to go 21 yards if full power. Dinged it and saw it roll about 4-5 yards past the flag (which was 20 yards from my ball in first place) on a slightly uphill green with fast speed. So it went 4 yards more than it should with 90% power?

    Please tell me how I am supposed to interpret the distances when I have a chip from foregreen/fairway close to green. Am I supposed to drag off like 20% of the length to get it right or what? Why not just make a 21 yard full chip go 21 yards with full power, ding, no elevation and moderate greens? 

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 5:30 AM
  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 5:48 AM

    That has nothing to do with my chips going almost always longer than it says it should. Did you read my hole post at all?

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 5:50 AM

    Yes I did.

    Did you read the guide? It answers all your questions. I feel no need to rewrite it.

  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 6:11 AM

    It didn't explain why a chip goes further than it should with those conditions I wrote in my first post. 

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 6:31 AM

    I have to agree with sweetie, I too have had the same experience, and when I try to compensate for the over run it comes up way short.


    Go figure



  • kingsman142
    36 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 6:37 AM

    But you have to think about it this way.  When you chip the ball, it's only on the ground for a little period of time, then it goes into the air with not as much resistance as the ground, so of course it'll go a little further.  So just aim it to the hole, adding in the bounces, and how easily it'll go through the air, and you should be more accurate.  I had the same experience as a hack.  The rough might've said 20-25% but since it was in the rough for like a second and the rest mostly air, it would go a lot further.

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 6:40 AM

    I think the problem you guys are having is interpreting the information the game is giving you.

    You cannot take the elevation change at face value. You must check where the green is going up and where it is going down.

    The total elevation change at the flag may say 6 inches up but that is a total. If your chip lands on a downslope  it will run.

    Move your cursor around to check the landing area.

    Spin greatly changes how these shots react and can be used to vary the length of any pitch or chip.

    I would say all of the great players here (I am not a great player) have mapped their wedges so they know exactly how they will come out of all roughs with all spins.

    So basically what I am saying is the yardage given for the shot is a guide. It is up to you to figure out how it will react with the balls you use, the clubs you use and what the circumstances of the shot are.

    So take the time to practice and find out.


    Happy hitting

  • ahsiab
    40 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 6:44 AM


    But you have to think about it this way.  When you chip the ball, it's only on the ground for a little period of time, then it goes into the air with not as much resistance as the ground, so of course it'll go a little further.  So just aim it to the hole, adding in the bounces, and how easily it'll go through the air, and you should be more accurate.  I had the same experience as a hack.  The rough might've said 20-25% but since it was in the rough for like a second and the rest mostly air, it would go a lot further.

    A "chip" shot spends more time on the ground than in the air. 

  • kingsman142
    36 Posts
    Tue, Jul 26 2011 6:46 AM

    Oh yeah, I was thinking of a pitch shot. :P