Just for clarification folks...
Under heading "thanks for having me"
"Account disabled for about the 7th time Not even going to bother fighting it this time....really just about ready to find something else TBH.
Knew before I sent the last E-mail to CS that it would bring things to a head....I quote part of reply "...was offensive and uncalled for"
Sometimes easier to be pushed than to jump
Take care all...
One of my replies...
"Not sure why disabled anyway Andy.
Yes moderated but even then you ain't been out of order on forum and if you were then it would not or should not pass mods.
So disabled....God knows.
Unless you sent a mouthful to CS to ask to be off mod ?"
But under search he aint there, still not sure why, and im hoping he comes on our proboards and i can get him to battle on.
Andy didnt play much in club, but i knew why. When under moderation he thinks "why shoud i". But what he did play he enjoyed......he was even unlucky to partner me in our Ryder Cup match......oh, sorry, we won and i carried him ;-)
Hopefully i/we can flush him out ;-)
It wont be for lack of trying ;-)