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Free Dotty.....HE IS ;-)

Sat, Dec 15 2018 11:03 AM (159 replies)
  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2018 1:59 AM

    To anyone reading this in future.

    Dotty was allowed back on WGT.

    Thanks to all the support on here, every one of them

    Big shout out to Simovoice and to WGTCHAMPION and anyone else at WGT who helped with the decision


    A fantastic bloke and great friend to many has had his account disabled.

    Dotty.......wgt name witheld......owner of SEL though 

    Now then. They think he has another account.

    Thing is, he has not. The other account holder, which they believe is his, lives in Europe and is still playing this game. I have spoken to the other gentleman over and over again, and he is gutted for Dotty and offered to help our cause, which he has done. He remains nameless as he has done no wrong.

    He advised me that he was going to contact WGT and provide all his verification to them. I knowingly warned him, "wouldn`t it be ironic if they said they cant talk with you as they cant discuss other folks accounts". Guess what........yeah, thats what they said , incredible !

    They cant discuss Dotty with him, as even though they know think he is him, they cant discuss with him cos hes not him...........beggars effin belief dont it.!

    Me, yeah. Ive contacted reply. Ive contacted a mod (nameless) reply.

    So a bit recent history which creates a mess.........cheers WGT...

    I passed club to Dotty as i was bored to tears with the game and have some big personal problems. The club friends i have i enjoy bantering with on our proboards site, good folk they are. So i will virtually stop playing but still do some club stuff till i find my interest returning. Dotty therefore took the helm, and only a month or so ago.

    As the banned Dotty is the "owner", Ranger (Topper) has contacted WGT to ask them to transfer club to reply.

    We run a lot of competitions a week as we are a level 20 club and fill up roster. Yes, a lot of WGT balls get used in our club, an awful lot.  Some of our members run WGT events like the World Cup and The Alt shot pairs, of which Dotty helps helped with , again lots of WGT balls get used in those my opinion this will stop......just my opinion but its a bloody strong opinion!!!!

    We can start again, not entirely the point of my post, but we can. Get to level 4 in a flash and all members get their free shot aids. We will set less comps of course and our whole Order of merit and League structure will collapse as not enough slots.........members will just use less balls i suppose... but  thats possibly a good thing. ;-)

    But SEL has been a fantastic club for many members........crying shame it ends because WGT are so wrong with this rubbish!

    P.S Dotty is a fantastic man, even when most of his home burnt down this year and then his great and loyal friend "Doba" passed away shortly after, he got on with life and carried on playing this game with his friends whenever he could. Our club supported him through that, financially also (even though i had to twist the big mans arm to take aid ) he has this rubbish to deal with.

    Anyway, ive spent fruitless hours trying to hopefully its your turn. If you know Dotty then just ask WGT to think again here.......posting support on here will help and i will relay messages of any support........even though im retired ;-)

    Please dont comment if not trying to be a calm man these days, i dont need setting off like a rocket.



  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2018 2:08 AM

    I have logged on to our proboards and Dotty asked me to send a thanks message to "the other him"......of course ive took the nickname out of the other...

    Thanks Bubbs, could you send this message to ---- from me, thanks in advance.
    Hi -----,
    Well my old friend, I told you to stop playing as well as me, now they think I'm you lol, I could have done worse then them thinking I was you. After all your a great player and a fine gentleman. I don't know how this will come out and can't for the life of me understand why now do they think this, as it has been years since we played a lot together, or years since you sent me gifts after my long break (by the way, I have said it before and will say it again now, thank you for your generosity and help when I came back, I have tired to pass that along to others).  As always thanks for the help in trying get wgt to see the light.
    A big hug to you and your family -----.
  • carlosdev
    2,568 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2018 2:58 AM


    Heard nothing but best things about the Club n the owner. 

    I hope somebody can look into the matter n sort it out .Once I was also banned because somebody copied my pic n used it on another profile n  wgt thought I was a multi profile.It was some kind of misunderstanding. TG n CS helped me n came back alive n all my friends stood along with me ;).  Hope Dotty's ban get lifted soon too.

    All the best :) 

    - Carl

  • pipala
    887 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2018 3:14 AM

    As a fellow director of SEL i'm a little lost for words over all of this. I had the pleasure of "meeting" up with Paul a couple of years back and i'd say we have become good friends, virtual maybe but good friends. We have enjoyed many games together and exchanged chats and laughs via our forum and facebook.

    Paul supported me financially and encouraged me throughout my charity efforts last year and when he had the misfortune of suffering a fire at home our entire club rallied around and helped him out. Stuff like this doesn't just happen, an element of trust is earned between individuals over a period of time. I know for a fact Paul is who he says he is as I once looked into sending him something, so I found out where he worked and looked at their website for an address and sure enough there he was on the list of staff. (I wasn't stalking you mate!) Also what Paul does for a living says everything about him as an individual.

    The allegations made are totally unfounded, the other person that Paul allegedy is lives in Italy!!

    Wgt's actions in this instance have torn apart a club that many of us have spent years building and it all now hangs in the balance over this. Please wgt you have to see sense here, it can be proven easily enough that these are two separate individuals and in my opinion there is more than a club at stake here

    Behind you all the way mate



  • ider75
    201 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2018 4:13 AM

    +1 To whats been said wgt do the right thing here.

  • RANGER1988
    1,062 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2018 4:26 AM

    Southern England Link's is my Family and it's Members have become my Brothers and Sisters! We have become even closer over the Years, since my heart attack earlier this year, the support I received from Bubb's and this Club are second to none! Being a disabled Veteran after 24 years of service, my body won't let me do the things in life that I use to enjoy, so this is the only hobby that I have now, and the Members of our Club mean the world to me! 

    I am currently awaiting for a reply from WGT to allow transfer of Ownership back to me, the 116 Members deserve to continue on with the Club that they have started with from the beginning, allowing a Club to sit idle is ludicrous, a few of us Members do a ton of activity's throughout WGT to try and have a different feel of competition for all WGT players.

    Dotty is an absolute gem of an individual, he has given so much to the game and to our Club members, he has also given plenty of transcripts and proof that these accusations against him are false, and not warranted, so I am pleading to WGT to please allow Dotty to get back to the game that he enjoys to play along with the rest of us!

    Full support Dotty and long live SEL!

    Topper (Ranger1988)

  • Nicozandberg
    733 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2018 4:37 AM

    So many of the who's who of the WGT community has had dealings with TDotdoba (Dotty), be it through the last 2 World Cups as an administrator or player, as a club member or as friend playing the odd round. I'd like to call on all WGT players who can attest to  his character to please add your voice to this thread.

    What WGT is doing to him and our club is unfounded and in my opinion utterly atrocious. Here is a guy that gives so much of himself to the benefit of other people in society in general and in this case, particular WGT members, and WGT Customer Services doesn't respond to his and our attempts to sort out this problem. How about having the decency to confront a player under suspicion, who is a daily player and who is actually contributing to your income stream through the competition he administers and plays in,  and give him the opportunity to provide proof that your allegations are false?!!, before banning him from the game leaving himself and a Level 20 active club just hanging in the darkness?

    Come on WGT, get your act together guy!! It's been a month of us trying to sort this out with hardly any cooperation from your side.



  • ascouriers
    529 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2018 4:49 AM

    Can only repeat what has been said above...


    Come on wgt do the right thing we need dotty and our club back...

  • MajorHooks
    9 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2018 5:03 AM

    Please, wgt, take this seriously. You have banned one of the finest persons in this game and thereby also potentially damaged a cc which is a big asset to the whole of wgt.

    I sincerely hope that you will react to this and give Dotty a fair chance to explain himself. I can think of no one who deserves that respect more than Dotty.