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Free Dotty.....HE IS ;-)

Sat, Dec 15 2018 11:03 AM (159 replies)
  • simovoice
    4,963 Posts
    Fri, Nov 23 2018 10:27 PM


    Glad everything is back to normal. 

    To know the value n  importance of WGT, at least you should get banned once in a life time here ;) ;) 


    - Carl

    Very wise words Carl !

    Tyvm again to all for the words you spent for me, but all credit goes to WGT, WGT staff and especially our WGT CHAMPION. You ROCK all and you make this place the  best :)


  • bluey403
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2018 12:57 AM

    Thankyou Simo, without your support we were facing and uphill battle

  • ScottHope
    10,604 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2018 1:00 AM

    Just goes to show what can be achieved when people pull together. Well done Bubbs and all the supporters.

    Champ, kudos for stepping in and seeing sense here, but if it's your machinery or software that makes the dire decisions that create these situations, I think this is proof that we shouldn't let computers rule our lives. People have hearts, computers feel nothing, lets not forget that.

  • TdotDoba
    2,276 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2018 1:04 AM

    Simo it was good to get together again my friend, next time lets try an alt game or tourney instead yes lol

    Again thanks to all involved


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2018 1:20 AM

    if it's your machinery or software that makes the dire decisions that create these situations, I think this is proof that we shouldn't let computers rule our lives.

    Wise words Scott.....and here's some more from BF,

    " is better 100 guilty persons should escape than that one innocent person should suffer"

  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2018 1:49 AM


    Hurga hurga !!!

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2018 2:13 AM

    Wish we could have a "like" button.

    Everyone of you on here would get a thumb up

    Steady, sounds like our basement talk 



  • DoubleEagleRob
    476 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2018 2:26 AM

    Thanks WGT for listening to the feedback on this thread and acting on it.Great to see.

  • Debrug
    279 Posts
    Sat, Nov 24 2018 2:32 AM

    I stand before you as a character witness.

    Having known Dotty for several years, I can confirm him as being a generous spirit in many aspects of life, both within the world of WGT and more importantly, in the outside real world.

    Within WGT, he does many good works, and has encouraged social engagement across the CC, with various competitions, but I wish to single out the Coffee Cup, where people turn up on a Sunday, and get randomly paired with another for an Alternate Shot competition, it is without doubt, one of the best ways of encouraging social interaction, and allowing people from around the globe to come together and mix, and takes a considerable effort and input of time to maintain such a competition.

    He is also a generous individual, as Bubbs referred to earlier, he was forced to accept help in his hour of need, and reluctantly did so, yet within weeks of this, once back on his feet, he was paying on this help, and has continued to do so…

    In real life, he donates generously to both human and animal causes, and as like so many “big men”, is as soft as a brush, and always looks for, and finds the best in others.

    Indeed, his working life involves dealing with those who have suffered trauma and adversity, not an easy occupation on the mind…!!

    Does any of the above prove his innocence, no it does not, however in my experience, those who are generous and honest in all aspects you can see, tend to be generous and honest in all aspects full stop.

    Whilst I am not au fait with all the specifics of Dotty’s case, there would appear to be no actual proof of wrong doing, and a significant weight of evidence that this is no wrong doing, including personal statements to support such… and that somehow, the WGT algorithm has failed, and no-one has seen fit as yet to restore justice.

    On the subject of justice, the Scottish legal system has a category of “not proven”, and in such circumstances, all charges are dropped and people carry on with their normal lives, this case appears to have “not proven” written in bold capitals all along it, and I would therefore ask it be treated in that manner, Dotty be re-instated forthwith, and all carry on as before.

    I do not support cheating in any manner, and support WGT for its work to eliminate such, however, it should also be able to recognise when someone is not actually guilty, and react accordingly.

    I hope that this along with all the other letters of support carries some weight, and that a swift re-consideration is made.

    Thank You



  • Lutjanid
    697 Posts
    Sun, Nov 25 2018 12:02 AM

    DOTTY !  Welcome back mate. :-)


    Champ to you I say HURGA HURGA

    Please feel free to drop into SEL's basement for a free 1/2 hour session.