Here is the address if somebody near to San Francisco n can go in person.
"180 Montgomery Street
Suite 800
San Francisco, CA 94104
United States"
Phone number - 415-433-2027
This phone number is working. Had called before. Not sure if its opened today being a holiday else try ringing the next working day.
Good Luck.
- Carl
Thanks for that info and any support
Question please as I've just spoken to dotty.
How do you verify account if can't log in. ?
Do you go through contact at base of forum and can that lead you to it in some way.?
Sorry if been answered. I am reading all posts and relaying to dotty but my little brain is hurting.
iam assuming that Both of the parties have sent their personal identification details to the CS and also iam assuming that other person who is not blocked, has sent a request to get the account verified in wgt.
I also would like to say when you write to CS, please elaborate a detailed story of both of your sides. trust me, its a must. (all the wgt activities making tourneys are added advantages etc)
If you had done these above, iam assuming you have done your part. I think then it gives you the advantage to call the numbers which has been provided above n Kindly reach out to them. If possible going to the office also might work bit more effectively. I think right now you have 2 phone numbers n 2 office address.
Also tell them that you will be ready to get verified once the ban is lifted.
- Carl