I have been trying to get what should be a SIMPLE answer but both previous posts never made it to forum.....hmmmmmm.....so I will try for a 3rd time....During last clash My club faced the top 2 clubs (this time no names) and during each match I noticed both of these (big Clubs} had somehow played 4......yes 4 more matches than us???? Now I was personally there to start a new match for my club at the end of our "4 HOUR" match every time immediately!! When i added time up against these clubs it was physically impossible for them to play 1 more match than us LET ALONE 4!!!....Am I to believe they don't have to play 4 hour matches? How can my club have a 4-2 record at the start of a match.....and our opponent have a 7-3 record at that same time......someone PLEASE explain this.......TY....JDGHOST .....p.s this is not first clash I've seen this trend!!
Just a long time typo/glitch there JD, nothing to be concerned about. It's been reported and commented on here in the forums many times. Impossible for any club to play more than 11 clash matches during a clash event.
Just like some of the other math......It just don't work
JDGHOST:someone PLEASE explain this
OTOH, it wouldn't make much difference. They have to play the rounds for points, and that takes it's time.
The most Clashes a Club can play is 11. There is not enough time for anymore