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Day12 of 2018 - 12 Days of Christmas Gifting

Sat, Dec 29 2018 6:07 AM (56 replies)
  • craigswan
    31,545 Posts
    Fri, Dec 28 2018 2:21 AM

    One of the biggest problems I would have is if you gift to a newbie some disappear quickly and your gift is gone forever .

  • TopShelf2010
    10,899 Posts
    Fri, Dec 28 2018 2:29 AM

    One of the biggest problems I would have is if you gift to a newbie some disappear quickly and your gift is gone forever .

    It's okay my friend.

    Christmas in July is only 7 months away.

    They will be back then looking for more.





  • callaghan159
    6,313 Posts
    Fri, Dec 28 2018 2:57 AM


    One of the biggest problems I would have is if you gift to a newbie some disappear quickly and your gift is gone forever .

    I have been member of some of the top clubs here. In every one of these clubs I have gifted to members who were looking for better clubs to help their game. After gifting some stay with the club and some leave. It's a chance you take, sort of like rolling the dice at the casino.

  • Ranger089
    47 Posts
    Fri, Dec 28 2018 11:25 AM

    Gonfission you're awesome! Out of nowhere a complete stranger steps up and gifts me my dream putter. Can never repay your kindness my friend. Will continue gifting to others as i am able. Truly touched by your generosity.


  • dblmikeusa1
    77 Posts
    Fri, Dec 28 2018 2:48 PM

    I'll quote this one, but essentially it should cover the rest.

    And FYI, late Christmas with my family resulted in a gift card that was unexpected, so I acquired the clubs requested, so we can drop it all together. 


    For starters, first and foremost, I DO NOT have, nor did I ever have a GoFundMe for anything, especially my medical expenses. I am not sure how that got communicated and if it was by me, it was definitely not intentional. If it was a misunderstanding by you, people stop reading at certain points when bored or passive-aggressive, now they may remember only that, so now I will be viewed as that person, thanks for this.

    To clarify ALL regarding how I got equipment and such, would be me using the passing of a well respected member of my CC for tertiary gain, then using my disability for secondary gain; of which the latter nearly occurred by me coming here and asking for a gift (which is what is required to get a gift). 

    Someone's viewable history tells a story, not disputing this, but it does not tell the whole story. Look very closely and you will see that I did not purchase much of what the profile shows me to have and shows I should have equipment filling my locker. Well, it is wrong. One would think by reading my purchase history that I am stocked heavily, again it is wrong. I'm not going to say that I did not purchase certain things with my own money, but for the most part it came either when I was given back pay and/or my birthday gifts. Just because I had a little then, does not mean I have some now. 

    I used coins acquired from equipment sales, (too bad it doesn't show this history) at a ridiculously terrible return rate, to obtain some of my current items. I'm not going to sit here and spell out exactly how it all came to fruition, so if you want the details, we can talk offline. I sit around all day at home, unless I am traveling for medical appointments, so I have nothing but time on my hands, making me available to talk if you really want to know the full story. 

    It makes me laugh when I sit here and think about all of this because Christmas should not be about calling people out for what you believe is someone attempting to obtain something through deception. Until you really know someone's story, you really don't know the whole story. I liken this to the people who drive up in a Mercedes to their local health and human services department, to submit a request for assistance, when at one point they could have had means, but that day could have been the day where they burned through their savings, cashed in a 401k months ago, and just spent their last penny, of which that day is the day they are like those who are not able to provide any longer because of unforseen circumstances, so to pass judgement and make egregious assumptions, shows you are only concerned with what you see on the outside and (for sake of the conversation) are using their jewelry (family heirloom), wallets/purses (gifts), and shoes (resale shop), to decide if they are worthy of a gift and/or assistance (as used in the example). 

    Yet, it also is upsetting to me and has helped me see things in a different light. And just further reminded me of how easily newer players can be driven away from the game by the very people, who, if they could get out of their own way long enough, could be more of a positive influence on the community. 

    Not everyone who comes here, comes here with the intention of manipulating their way through life, thus assuming you can spot those who do, further shows how this issue, brought out by my request, and those feeding it, is full of fallacies. 

    On the topic of manipulating, just know it took me 10 years to apply for and get VA disability, not because I am not disabled, but there was a level of pride that went into me refusing to accept the inevitable. If you think I am using my DV status to get a video game gift or to feed you some line to lie to you, then you might want to spend some volunteer time at your local VA hospital or clinic. You will meet a variety of veterans who will tell you a lot of things, of which you will learn a great deal, and one of the biggest things that separates a prideful DV from a OTH Zero percent hearing loss money seeker, is there is not a day that goes by where many, including myself, would give every penny back to the federal government (VA) for 100% of their health whereas the OTH vet will tell you how bad they have it and they aren't getting what they what is rightfully theirs, yet 20 minutes later you will see them out at the smoke pit dancing and singing as if they hit the lottery. It is then, when you can pass judgement, until then turn off MSNBC and/or CNN. 

    Perhaps the creator of and carrier of the passed torch could interview people for gifts. It should include researchingtheir IP history to see how many have fooled you all with their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc accounts. Then, if you discover someone is not being truthful, slander them all day. 

    I shared my 2018 journey and a person I met (virtually) along the way (who undoubtedly saved me from turning WGT off for good), while attempting to restore faith in the community. Christmas should not be about what gifts one gets, but more about celebrating  acts of kindness and being thankful.If you would read to understand and learn, then you could ask the necessary questions to clarify someone's request. At which time, the burden of proof is on that person, and even more so if they tell a story of selflessness (not for praise, DoD took care of that) Too SBT, 

    To SB, I want to apologize to you for your kindness being overshadowed by this messp.p I will never ask for another gift again, even if istart a new account. 


  • callaghan159
    6,313 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2018 2:32 AM

    even if istart a new account. 


  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2018 6:07 AM

    For starters, first and foremost, I DO NOT have, nor did I ever have a GoFundMe for anything, especially my medical expenses. I am not sure how that got communicated and if it was by me, it was definitely not intentional.

    You're the one who wrote the following:

    Yeah, really. Would you like to see my disability award letter? How about my hospital EOB's? How about I show you the GoFundMe donations, that align with the purchase history? How about a 1040?

    So, you didn't intentionally write that? You wrote it inadvertently? How does that work? 

    Regardless, you are correct that we don't know people's whole story. Indeed, since you seem to forget what you post about yourself, you don't come across as knowing your own story.