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Just Made A Hole In One!

Sat, Dec 29 2018 1:58 PM (7 replies)
  • windcutter
    1 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2018 10:36 AM

    I have been playing since 2009 on WGT and love it. 

    I love WGT and just made my very first HIO on WGT today of all days XMAS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

    My wife was watching me play while we were laying on the bed with our dog and we all went crazy when the ball went in. 

    My only question is this happened on the last shot of an alternate shot match that was on the last hole. SO the game ended without me being able to capture the video of the Hole in one. Is there any way WGT can retrieve that game? Either way it was an amazing moment considering this is the worst xmas I have ever had and WGT for a moment made me forget.


    Merry Xmas

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2018 10:57 AM



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2018 1:34 PM


    Is there any way WGT can retrieve that game?
    Impossible, I'm afraid.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2018 4:32 PM


  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2018 5:12 PM


    I have been playing since 2009 on WGT and love it. 

    I love WGT and just made my very first HIO on WGT today of all days XMAS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!

    My wife was watching me play while we were laying on the bed with our dog and we all went crazy when the ball went in. 

    My only question is this happened on the last shot of an alternate shot match that was on the last hole. SO the game ended without me being able to capture the video of the Hole in one. Is there any way WGT can retrieve that game? Either way it was an amazing moment considering this is the worst xmas I have ever had and WGT for a moment made me forget.


    Merry Xmas

    Congratulations on the HIO!  Did the commentator yell "Get in the hole!!!"?  I had my sound on one time and that almost scared me!

    I don't think WGT can recover that - sorry.  I have lost a couple of replay opportunities, too.

    I hope your Christmas gets better.

  • Next260
    2,207 Posts
    Fri, Dec 28 2018 7:54 PM


    Unfortunately as far as I know, the replay cannot be recovered or saved.

    So get even with them , go out and get more HIOS

  • Bowl64
    3,121 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2018 3:52 AM

    Congratz  on the HIO :))) Unfortunatly i don`t think it counts as an "official" one, HIO`s made in  altshot/matchplay won`t show in your stats but hey, after your "first" comes the second and third and......... Keep plugging away and there will be more to come :)


  • quadrock123
    859 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2018 1:58 PM

    Congrats, not only can it not be retrieved, it doesn't count in your stats because it was an altshot, go figure. (Should have read the reply