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Meter Speed and old age

Tue, Aug 9 2011 6:39 PM (37 replies)
  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 5:06 AM

    o what is the normal speed of your clubs and or balls but when the meter gets a mind of it's own you're toast.


    I played links for many years, and for those who have played links you are well aware of the super speed of the meter. Never had a problem because after playing for awhile, it was easy to time. You can adjust to speed, you cannot adjust to a differnet speed on every shot. Maybe this game would be too easy if we had a predictable meter, and this is WGT way of making it more of a challenge. Sounds far fetched, but who knows

  • FuzzyBallz
    179 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 10:36 AM

    The looking at where I want to line up the shot, allowing for any wind has not got me messed up. Where I burn myself is at the meter even when putting, I click where it looks like it will be close to the ding to see I have stopped it early or late by about 4 to as much as 10 of the width of the ding line. The front of the edge on the return swing is about 2 pixels i.e. screen shot where I miss the Center Line for perfect hit. 

    As example using 2 pixels if a miss hit is 2 lines you would have 4 pixels, how much wide is 2 pixels at 3 feet ? for sake of argument allow me to use 1/4 of an inch miss at 1 foot. I set up a 10 foot putt knowing I have been miss clicking the last 10 shots early by 3 lines or 6 pixels, so I am pushing the shot wide at 10 feet - 7 to 8 inches, I compensate for that when aiming to see I hit the ding for the "Excellent" to pop up, to say dang it I just pushed the putt wide right by 8 to 10 inches because that time I was late with click where I was allowing for early click.

    No 2 clubs out of the clubs in bag have the same speed on meter, just wondering if there will be a point in time when there could be a set of clubs with putter that have exactly the same speed meter. I use a shotgun meter at the moment which yields a nice spread pattern of shots from tee to cup.

    Most say well use the Callaway ball they help tons, so I bought a sleeve at a dollar per ball played 9 holes had 1 Callaway ball left at the end of 9. That 9 holes and lesson cost 200 credits to play, and see first hand that Callaway balls don't help stop the meter any better then free balls. I know now to never buy Callaway balls ever again, does that help with repeat buying since repeat purchase is what WGT is looking for.

    MadMP even states what others are saying " It's the inconsistency of the speed on any given day. You can get used to what is the normal speed of your clubs and or balls but when the meter gets a mind of it's own you're toast." / My meter no matter if I am holding left click and dragging the swing power up or have released the swing, meter speed and movements are smooth as can be. I am not mentioning the jumpy, jerky, stuttering meter that some battle every game. I have never had that happen when trying to play the meter is jerky, stuttering hang and go I feel for those that do have that problem, but until I am having that problem I can not understand what that might be like.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 2:10 PM


    I made a suggestion a while back for a drink(maybe get Red Bull on board) to further slow the meter a bit. Not sure if it was taken seriously or not.

    Erm, wouldn't that be the exact opposite of what Red Bull does?

  • aceydeucey
    504 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 2:14 PM

    WGT needs to come out with a 265 yd Driver with the swing speed of a Rapture Driver.  That would enable the over 60 crowd to compete at a Master/Tour Master level.

    It would be 'Locked' to all Tour Pro and below. 

    This 265 yd Driver, in conjunction with the Callaways & GI-3D golf balls would surely result in a nice slow meter.

    These balls have a 2 1/2 dot FEEL and do a good job at slowing the meter.

    I just turned 62 and used the Raptures till I turned Master.  Then I got the 275yd R-9 and was all over the fairway.  Once I practiced with it and used the GI-3D & Callaway balls things got better.

    I currently have the Level 88 R-11 and am doing fine with it.... as long as I use the 2 1/2 Feel balls.

  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 6:17 PM



    I made a suggestion a while back for a drink(maybe get Red Bull on board) to further slow the meter a bit. Not sure if it was taken seriously or not.

    Erm, wouldn't that be the exact opposite of what Red Bull does?

    Erm would increase reflexes ergo slow the meter.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 6:20 PM

    Erm would increase reflexes ergo slow the meter.

    The point is I doubt Red Bull would  associate their product with something that slows down anything. The drink and slow don't go together.

  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 6:25 PM

    I can see their ad line now. Red Bull gives your balls wings ;-)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 6:39 PM

    LMAO-Good one, man.  I was thinking maybe that Lunesta sleeping aid could jump in there. They could advertise putting your meter to sleep!   :-D