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Meter Speed and old age

Tue, Aug 9 2011 6:39 PM (37 replies)
  • Fredyourman
    9 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2011 9:03 AM
    We don't want to rip 320 or 340 plus drives down the fairway, we are not looking for hitting the cup every other shot from 140 yards plus out every shot, we are not looking to make average score in the sub-60's or high 50's. We are looking to have fun, play some golf, meet up with some friends for a friendly game of Alt. shot. Blow some money every month to have fun, big deal if we shoot bogey golf we don't care we are not trying to be the best imaginary golfer on an imaginary course, we just looking to have some fun and try to keep it in the fairway on a par 4 and get it on the green in 3 so we can 2 or 3 putt. Laugh and joke around is that really to much to ask we don't want to compete in the Tourneys, we don't want to win every hole, let alone every match we play.
    That is just about spot on.
    I am more or less confined to my home because of health maters the hand eye coordination is definitely not so sharp so the fast swing meter is definitely out for me so WGT has lost the sale of a set of clubs as a result.
    I don't mind spending a few £ on balls each month, like everyone else these days I do not have a lot of money to throw around but this game is the only thing I have found at the moment that is both affordable and enjoyably and I spend a lot of time on it but I don't know that that will last if I am always going to be limited to the very small selection of clubs with a swing meter that I can work with.
    No I do not want to win every game and I don't need to hit the cup every time but I would like to be in with a fighting chance.
    If I have a slow meter on the decent clubs then I play more and the more I play the more ball sales WGT get we all win I think.
    The argument that with good clubs we would not need to buy the balls but could use the free ones does not hold water for me, free balls and bought balls just do not compare as the difference in the two is vast in terms of control and so on, so I will gladly go for the paid for ball every time.
    Thanks for all the input on this thread it is appreciated and I hope that WGT may give it some consideration.
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2011 10:10 AM

    As far as the meter speed, what about another ball to slow it down further instead of slowing the club down? Maybe one with reduced specs as a trade off?

    That's an idea.  The meter speed gap between my Raptures and just the G10s, both using the Callys is about .5 sec.  Likely half again as much to get to the Burner 2.0s so 3/4 of a second?  That's a big gap to fill with just a ball.  Probably a 5 dots of feel ball.  And we'd likely only get 25 hits with it for a $5 per sleeve price. LOL

    Seriously, I'm not asking for a Burner 2.0 equivalent with a slow meter.  Raptures haven't had a real upgrade for 2 years.  I was hoping the K15s would provide a higher level club with a slowish meter but so far nada.

  • FuzzyBallz
    179 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2011 10:23 AM

    Yankee don't sell them out to soon - - I know and see what Fredyourman is looking for, the same thing as my brother-in-law that is 64 is looking for.

    It is not this game we call golf I can't get him to play - it's how to control the meter that keeps him from playing. His answer go back over to a different golf game with it's chessy graphics that look like they was done by 2nd graders with crayolas, and his avatar looks more like a rat, then a man. He is a disabled VET plays everyday for about 6 to 10 hours, a member of a Country Club only there it is Guild of over 350 members.

    So allow me to use him as the example to compare to the question that Fredyourman is in search of. 

    Fredyourman plays WGT ------------------------------------- Bumble Bump / plays golf game

    I am Sixty Two years old and disabled, ---------- Bro-n-law 64 and disabled / on oxygen

    now I love the game - ----------------------------------- - plays 6 to 10 hrs a day / I say hooked

    The problem is high meter speed - ------------------- - buys power drinks to slow meter

    Fredyourman - -So what I am asking is it not possible to at least make a few of the good clubs available with a slow swing meter.

    Bunble Bump - - playing competitors game does just that - clubs are rented, rental fee is weekly, monthly - pays 20 dollars a month for clubs. Then he buys drinks to use to slow the game meter down, another 20 dollars a month. Is there a market out there I would have to say yes / after he pays rent to live at assisted living housing, they do everything for these folks. So why does he spend so much time at golf and spend more to play a game, could be because after his war time accident he got tired of folks staring at him. His escape from his realty to get on an imaginary golf game chat it up with people that treat him different then real life does, smash huge drives and drop birdies all day long, but why does he do it. Because he can't get the same respect in real life as he does on an imaginary golf game, in an imaginary place, with an avatar that looks more like a Rat then a person. He is blind in one eye, shakes from the brain damage from being shot, stays on oxygen, skins is odd color with eczema that cause scaling and flaking - he is not welcomed in public, he knows that, has dealt with it, and moves on the best way he knows how. <------- none of this makes him a second class citizen does it, mostly yeah when you see the reactions he gets. It'is just the cost of what we call FREEDOM here in America. It was asked of him to pay for it, so he paid for it, asked if he could go back and change it, his reply "Hell no I saved hundreds of men and womens lives that day".

    In short if he wants to spend 50 or more dollars every month to play an imaginary game, in an imaginary place, so he can chat with a few people that call him a good friend, send him birthday cards, and wish him Merry Christmas. I would say he has earned that right to spend as much as he wants to feel good about him self even if it is in an imaginary place, on an imaginary golf course at 8:15 in the morning with a slight breeze in his face. Sure it is not really happening, but in his mind he can think back to how that felt when he could do it, and the rush of emotions, the feelings, the friends, the flood gates open and it happens as soon as the ball takes flight on a path that all of us know "WE JUST SMASHED IT - And IT IS BEAUTIFUL" all of it is in in our head, yet a mouse click away.

    WGT look for away to get them here, and they will play, and they will spend.

    They don't want to win tourney's / They don't want to be the best / They want the flood gates to open - they want the rush, the friends, give them a way to do it, they will do it, and don't have a problem spending a few bucks to get it.

    I have but just a few friends here at WGT - we pick times to come meet up play some Alt Shot, poke fun at each other, laugh it up, drink a couple beers, chase the beer cart girl around on Kaiwah Island. Yeah we know she is not over there under that shade tree on number 4 or even over between  7 and 8. Just like when you play St. Andy there is not really a PUB just across the way, just off the green by the street, or is there? Yeah we know that is not what WGT set out for, but we keep coming back not because we shot sub par every 9 or 18, because we enjoy what takes place that has nothing to do with the game. Shooting the Royal when it is 62 degrees, I become the punch line, little chilly this morning in my kilt, and the wind blowing, sure glad I brought my FuzzyBallz.

    Well this old man has rambled on long enough for now, the grand kids poke fun at me for playing a golf game "but papa it is not real golf" I am slow getting out of the cart, can't see the ball well enough to hit it, let alone hit it much past 200 yards off the tee anymore. Think I will just stay here shoot my 5 over par, drink my coffee eat my snack, and curse at the meter. 

    Time for Fuzzy to go knock the Fuzzy off it. Can somebody hold my purse so I don't drop me lipstick?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2011 10:44 AM

    Yankee don't sell them out to soon - - I know and see what Fredyourman is looking for, the same thing as my brother-in-law that is 64 is looking for.

    LOL-I can't, FB,  I'm right on their tails.  ;-)

    I understand after Fred's last post what you guys are talking about and thought maybe there could be something like a "social" set of clubs for that very purpose-to let guys like Fred and your BIL stay in the game. Maybe these could be really slow with decent specs but only available to play in practice settings, something like that. Or a ball like I mentioned above that would slow the meter down to a crawl, just not usable in tournaments.

    IMO, to come out with slower clubs for cases like these just invites trouble if you allow them to be used in competition because you just know there's no way you could restrict the sale to a certain class. Maybe there could be a  social arm of WGT where no tournaments or challenges for credits would be involved but those slower clubs could be. Something like a gated golf club.  :-)

  • FuzzyBallz
    179 Posts
    Tue, Aug 2 2011 11:00 AM

    there you go - or something I had gave thought to - sell us something to lock us in at a front tee box or tier us to a setting that keeps us locked in but locked out of tourney or others things with a prize.

    lets us use lower clubs - with a decent ball for meter / but locks us to senior tee box with NO tourney for senior tee boxes.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2011 9:55 PM

    well said FuzzyBallz  ;we would all have to prouve are age   how could they (WGT) make sure of that .....with  out  making more contrevercy

  • FuzzyBallz
    179 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 1:10 AM

    Why need to prove age? Just an option in club set choices to get locked into a set of clubs that allow for slower meter speed, no mix and match a full set of clubs, driver to putt with matched meter speed. I myself would be happy to trade off distance for slower meter.

    I shall use the Ping Raptures level 25 as example -

    Woods = 245 - 200 yards with 1 square for meter speed

    Irons = 190 - 100 yards with 1 square for meter speed

    Wedges = 80 - 60 yards with 2.5 squares for meter speed

    Putter = Spider with 1/2 square for meter speed


    Seniors or "what ever name" club set - level required between 30 to 40 or even 50. Most will know by the level requirement if the meter is burning them due to can't react quick enough to catch the ding. By not catching the ding some what close you lose precise as well distance on shots anyways.

    Woods = 240 - ? yards with 1/2 square for meter speed

    Irons = 180 - ? yards with 1/2 square for meter speed

    Wedges = 70 - 50 with 1/2 square for meter speed

    Putter = Seniors Putter with 1/2 square for meter speed

    We get level locked and tier locked while this set of clubs is equipped, the person which makes the choice to play this type of club set is also LOCKED OUT of any play for credits format. Person(s) with this set-up can play regular games in Stroke / Match / Alt Shot formats where no credits, or any type of benefits can be gained other then a game much like a solo practice game.

    Maybe locking them out of everything they are looking to gain would be distracting enough to keep them for attempting to use them to gain any type of advantage.

    I can only speak for myself from what I understand about the game from personal experience. I like the game, I love to play Alt Shot, but I refuse to play Tourneys, Ready-Gos,  Match play or any type of format for credits. That is by my own choice and I choose not to do it. Shooting 3 to 12 over Par I already know what group of players I fall into and that group is not the group that hits the ding line 8 out of 10 times at 4 to 8 under Par.

  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 1:45 AM

    I made a suggestion a while back for a drink(maybe get Red Bull on board) to further slow the meter a bit. Not sure if it was taken seriously or not.

  • gcourd
    1 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 4:30 AM

    why not move your target to the right of the hole so you dont have to hit the pin... you can hit before the pin

  • MadMP
    75 Posts
    Tue, Aug 9 2011 5:00 AM

    I'm 65 and still have some pretty quick reflexes and the speed of the meter if it's calculable is not the problem. It's the inconsistency of the speed on any given day. You can get used to what is the normal speed of your clubs and or balls but when the meter gets a mind of it's own you're toast.