HackWilson1930:And now you know why WGT switched to effects for the holidays
Simply for the sake of argument, I would like to add to the topic.
Using the recent sleeve of Free Max Gold Balls offer when purchasing 2,000 credits as an example. With the exception of the slow meter, this ball is basically of poor nature. I would think a ball with those specs would not be a favorite by any means.
However, with effects ( free or purchased ) you are able to enjoy an added feature without having to adjust from your favorite, most frequently used ball. Or sacrifice attributes of said ball.
I personally do not use the effects that I have received, but it is nice to have them available of/when the time comes.
As a long time member/player, I have come to understand that anything FREE should be welcomed. I am thankful that WGT is, at the very least, attempting to satisfy its players in some shape or form.