Just to clear some things up:
WGTShamWow: Saturation would be what happens after a number of rounds are played and scores higher than your average no longer raise your average. It used to be 200 rounds when moving from TL to Champ but was updated with the release of TC.
Just be aware that "saturation" is a state of non-linear average calculation. Therefore, even scores higher than the average may cause it to drop. OTOH, it can no longer rise until you advance in tiers.
Now to a different subject:
WGTShamWow: Rounds with a final score higher than your average will move your average up and rounds with a final score below your average will move your average down.
This is the commonly known characteristic of linear average calculation and true for any unsaturated WGT average.
A saturated average, in the same way,
- drops with scores lower than the average,
but, on the contrary,
- may drop with scores higher than the average,
but it may never rise in that tier.