How do I opt out of or unsubscribe to unwanted email?
Thanks for any help
How about unchecking all the checked checkboxes here.⇩ EDIT : Thank you Don & Doc. ; ) ⇩
ScottHope: How about unchecking all the checked checkboxes here.⇩ EDIT : Thank you Don. ; ) ⇩
How about unchecking all the checked checkboxes here.⇩ EDIT : Thank you Don. ; ) ⇩
Ooooh! That is cool!
Thanks everyone.
On my summary page none of the boxes were checked, so I was just curious.
Thanks again.
Everyone,,,,,,,Your link took me back to the summary page...…… None of the boxes are checked but I am still getting email.. HMMM
And conversely, all my boxes are ticked and i don't ever get any emails.
If there's a way to opt out of tourney confirmation and round reminder emails, I haven't found it.
An effective way to stop those unwanted emails is to change your email address in your contact info page to another email address.
Duckster789:An effective way to stop those unwanted emails is to change your email address in your contact info page to another email address.
+1 - good advice if you own this trash address (not to bother anybody else).
@Nicole: It's also a sound advice if mails are missing. It may also help to get the mails coming if you change the stored address back and forth.