It's New Years Eve and the end of 2019. It's been another great year here in THE WOLF PACK COUNTRY CLUB .
The cups and trophies have all been handed out, and fun and laughter has been had along the way. As always happens people have come and gone for various reasons, but new friends have been made as well.
I have a membership of 25 super people, I don't want to have 250 people in my pack.. If it got to about the 35 mark that would be great. I want my club to always remain a place where friends can come and get a game with their mates, have a chat and some fun, and win a tournament or two along the way.
I have owned T.W.P. now for 6 years, and I'm very much looking forward to 2020 being even better than 2019.
So if you are thinking of joining a club and you play on a COMPUTER, then give us a go and help us to grow.
I'm sorry about the no mobile players, that is nothing personal. WGT do not allow cross platform play so a mobile player could not play with the other club members who are all computer players.
So I would like to wish everybody a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR 2020.