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C.C. Tournament Canceling

rated by 0 users
Fri, Mar 8 2019 4:11 PM (3 replies)
  • DUFFR99
    571 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2019 10:02 AM

    Is there any way to 'erase' or cancel a duplicated club tournament??


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2019 10:58 AM

    Not yet. Sure would be nice if you could, though.  :-)

    FWIW, if I set up a tournament that something is wrong with and have to post a second version of it, in the title description I will add something like "See Forum"  or "Ignore other one". Not the greatest way to do it but it generally works.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,416 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2019 10:59 AM


    Is there any way to 'erase' or cancel a duplicated club tournament??


    Only if it's a bracket tourney.  Brackets can be cancelled before they are filled . . . .(by the owner).

  • DoctorLarry
    4,302 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2019 4:11 PM


    Is there any way to 'erase' or cancel a duplicated club tournament??


    I wish there was!!!   

    I got caught by what must be a WGT glitch when I set up some CC tourneys for different tiers.  When I set up the first one, when I clicked to create it, I got an "error message" that I could not set the green speed (I think it was that) for the tourney and to go back and correct it.  When I did that, I ended up with TWO versions of the tourney - one with default green speed and one with the custom one I had set!  Cost me twice as many credits as expected - but a boon to the lower tiers that I was trying to get more involved in CC life!