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just got screwed by WGT

Fri, Mar 22 2019 3:55 PM (21 replies)
  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2019 12:53 AM

    Anyone have an idea what happened??

    This is a reasonable question and has been clearly and accurately answered. Perhaps next time you have a query you can make the title of your post more reasonable and less judgemental too.

  • texbbqman
    22 Posts
    Wed, Mar 20 2019 3:18 PM

    So let me state the facts in a friendly way.  I don't know the algorithm WGT uses to calc averages but let me guess based on various posts by players  Let's assume for a moment WGT uses 20 -18 hole rounds.  These rounds are the last 25 rounds played less the highest 20 rounds in the calc.  These rounds yield a 61.0 average as it did in my case.  That's a cumulative 1,220 strokes.    So I play one more 18 hole round with a score of 62.  Further assume the 62 score replaces a round of 62.1 my highest score in the remaining 25 rounds (I'm sure it was higher but this is worst case scenario)  So the 1,220 cumulative strokes is replaced with 1,219.9 strokes.  New average is 60.995.  My new average was 62.09.  So maybe that's not getting screwed by WGT but it certainly reflects a flawed process that makes one pucker his hind cheeks after a good hosing. 

    Having said all the above I enjoy playing WGT and feel its the best simulated golf game around.  My post is not to condemn but to ask WGT to show the rules it uses to compute avg scores and the underlying data.  Even the PGA Tour shows all the data and rules used to publish the myriad averages and rankings it maintains for each player....and public consumption.  

    So in the final analysis if no one can reveal the actual process and data used to publish averages the title of my original post becomes less judgmental and more factual.  With all due respect, Dan Lawrence


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2019 8:46 AM

    So let me state the facts in a friendly way.  I don't know the algorithm WGT uses to calc averages but let me guess based on various posts by players  Let's assume for a moment WGT uses 20 -18 hole rounds. 

    At Legend tier, saturation is at 500 ranked rounds, excluding par 3s, par 5s, and custom courses.

    If you have fewer than 500 rounds, WGT uses all ranked rounds (at Legend tier) that count for average in calculating your average. If you have more than 500 rounds at Legend tier, WGT uses your best 500 scores to calculate average. 

    It's a straightforward calculation of sum of n1... ni divided by N, with saturation at 500. (And please remember it's the raw score that matters with 9-hole rounds needing to be doubled.)

    The above information has been posted many times over and is easily available in the forums. Please remember that only rounds at current tier are used in calculating average. A player's average resets when the player tiers up. It resets upon playing the first ranked round that counts for average at the new tier. 

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2019 10:52 AM

    Dan, your score history for 3/18 shows 3 rounds:  a 31 (equates to 62), a 33 (equates to 66), and a 62 (the St. Andrews round that you mentioned).  The fact that these scores raised your average up from 61 tells me that you have not yet reached your saturation point of 500 ranked rounds at Legend tier.

    I think what may be influencing people's replies here may be the title you chose for this thread ("just got screwed by WGT").  If you had titled it something more friendly like "Why did my average go up?", the responses may have been less acidic.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2019 11:42 AM


    Dan, your score history for 3/18 shows 3 rounds:  a 31 (equates to 62), a 33 (equates to 66), and a 62 (the St. Andrews round that you mentioned).  The fact that these scores raised your average up from 61 tells me that you have not yet reached your saturation point of 500 ranked rounds at Legend tier.

    I think what may be influencing people's replies here may be the title you chose for this thread ("just got screwed by WGT").  If you had titled it something more friendly like "Why did my average go up?", the responses may have been less acidic.

    Your first paragraph is exactly right, but he actually he got very good and accurate responses to his questions in spite of the post title.  These responses were from people that know what they are talking about.

    Note - I also listed his three scores that day and the effect on his average - back on the 18th.  At this point I am not sure the OP wants to hear the explanation, based on his later post that ignores the previous replies.

    Anyway, we all tried!

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2019 2:02 PM

    So in the final analysis if no one can reveal the actual process and data used to publish averages the title of my original post becomes less judgmental and more factual.  With all due respect, Dan Lawrence

    It's fairly simple; the strokes taken (doubled for nine holes) are added and divided by the number of rounds until you reach saturation (500 rounds at Legend).  At that point your worst score is replaced by any score you get that's better than it and your stroke total is divided by 500 each time.

    I think the answers here miss the point, what you say happend can't be right so either you remember wrongly or there has been a mistake.  If you have an average of 61 a 62 can never increase that to more than 61.50.  The three rounds that day that have come into this (not entirely sure why) could only have this effect, increasing  an average of 61 to 62.1, if you'd only played 3 or 4 rounds at legend.

    Where I think you were:  You had 498 rr's at Legend so a 61 is 30,378 strokes add 62 and / by 499 would give you an average of 61.002 and no change as you see it.  Massive changes just can't happen close to a 500 round saturation.

    Sorry but to be honest I think you just missread your average before that round. 

    Anyway looks like you're saturated now so onward and downward :-)


  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2019 4:35 PM

    Where I think you were:  You had 498 rr's at Legend so a 61 is 30,378 strokes add 62 and / by 499 would give you an average of 61.002 and no change as you see it.  Massive changes just can't happen close to a 500 round saturation.

    Is there anyway to determine how many RRs OP (or anyone else) has since tiering up unless he has kept track of them?  If there is, it is news to me ( which I would like to hear!).

    I would not know how many RRs I have if I had not noted the total RR when I tiered up.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Mar 21 2019 4:52 PM


    Where I think you were:  You had 498 rr's at Legend so a 61 is 30,378 strokes add 62 and / by 499 would give you an average of 61.002 and no change as you see it.  Massive changes just can't happen close to a 500 round saturation.

    Is there anyway to determine how many RRs OP (or anyone else) has since tiering up unless he has kept track of them?  If there is, it is news to me ( which I would like to hear!).

    I would not know how many RRs I have if I had not noted the total RR when I tiered up.

    A few hints.

    You quoted that he became Legend in August (by the 8th) the approximtely 200 on his score history go back to November.

    You could work it out (roughly) by tracking his scores and what happens to his average, the same score will affect your average more after 200 rounds than it would after 400 for instance. (I believe your CC owner could do this.)

    Probably easiest though since the reported 62 at St A's making his average 62.10 he has scored (31) 62 and (36) 72, his average is now 62.09. I'd reckon he's now played his 500th.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2019 2:49 AM

    I was wondering why you sounded miffed, reading back it was probably the way I dismissed the "three rounds".  Sorry, I'll try to explain better and maybe it'll show the tracking scores thing a little bit.

    The problem was an average of 61 changing to 62.1 with a 62 and it was suggested (I think) that another 62 and a 66 should be included.

    If he had 10 rounds as a legend that would be 610 strokes; add 190 that gives 800 and divide by 13 gives an average of 61.54. 

    Four rounds = 244 strokes add 190 and / by 7 = 62.

    So he would need to have played just four ranked rounds as a legend for this to explain what he thinks happened, we know from his score history that this is not the case. 

    It's not usually that easy to work out how many rounds as changes that big don't happen so quickly.  I believe on mobile you can get your average to more than two decimal places and that would certainly help.

    (I believe your CC owner could do this.)

    Appologies too for two mistakes in quick succsscion, you are not in the Peoples Club (mixing up you and Robert probably) and EasyEdward is no longer the owner there anyway.  I did this rather than edit as I don't like when others do that.

  • texbbqman
    22 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2019 5:30 AM

    Thanks to all for comments and explanations regarding my original post.  Guess I should have not used "screwed" in the title.  That raised a few hackles...... but at 70 I'm admittedly not very PC.  Have fun!