I was wondering why you sounded miffed, reading back it was probably the way I dismissed the "three rounds". Sorry, I'll try to explain better and maybe it'll show the tracking scores thing a little bit.
The problem was an average of 61 changing to 62.1 with a 62 and it was suggested (I think) that another 62 and a 66 should be included.
If he had 10 rounds as a legend that would be 610 strokes; add 190 that gives 800 and divide by 13 gives an average of 61.54.
Four rounds = 244 strokes add 190 and / by 7 = 62.
So he would need to have played just four ranked rounds as a legend for this to explain what he thinks happened, we know from his score history that this is not the case.
It's not usually that easy to work out how many rounds as changes that big don't happen so quickly. I believe on mobile you can get your average to more than two decimal places and that would certainly help.
DodgyPutter: (I believe your CC owner could do this.)
Appologies too for two mistakes in quick succsscion, you are not in the Peoples Club (mixing up you and Robert probably) and EasyEdward is no longer the owner there anyway. I did this rather than edit as I don't like when others do that.