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Tiger Woods Pga Tour Online

Thu, Nov 5 2009 9:38 AM (96 replies)
  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Thu, Nov 5 2009 7:18 AM


    I'll most likely play both, it's hardly a this-one-or-that-one situation.  Both have their merits and both are enjoyable.

    Both are owned by corporate businesses with their own business models for making profit..  That is why EA Sports wants to charge a subscription fee, and it is why WGT charges for everything beyond the starter set of clubs and balls.  That is the one non-subjective fact of this entire thread..  No need for personal attacks for pointing that out.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Thu, Nov 5 2009 7:27 AM

    Lysti & Richard:

    Certainly no one is brow beating or brainwashing here.  This appears to be a civil discussion routed deeply in opinion regarding "which do you like and why?" and "what makes you reach into your wallet?"  There are no insults flying, no names being called (minus the hack bit) and nothing to call the moderator for, so please do not presume to tell us how to have this discussion.


    180 Posts
    Thu, Nov 5 2009 7:30 AM

    Thats true guys. This is just a opionated/fact discussion thread, no hard feelings or nonsense will be allowed.

    Don't start any flame wars guys, the moment I notice one has begun I'm getting this thread locked.

    Besides that glad to see you guys still discussing TWO.

  • Lysti
    323 Posts
    Thu, Nov 5 2009 7:40 AM

    Oh Niv you can discuss this all you want & your comments don't offend but as far as I've noticed the easy cartoon golf comment has been beaten to death here & I would never judge wgt after only playing one round.   And yes I find the tw comments get overbearing by telling me I'm either a gamer or golfer depending on which game I like.  We don't need to judge people personally on what type of game they play.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Thu, Nov 5 2009 7:49 AM

    Here is a relevant story by Adobe (the maker of the Flash application this game runs on) about WGT as to what I was referring to earlier.

    Right at the top of that article is this:

    • Attracts a valuable demographic of consumers who together completed six million rounds of online golf and hit more than 72 million golf shots in the first six months
    • Helps organizations wanting to expand their footprint in the golf enthusiast market reach their target demographic through successful co-marketing arrangements
    • Enables friends, families, and golf fans to play a round of golf simultaneously, compete in tournaments for prizes, share scores, and test out the newest equipment
    • Derives revenue from high-profile online tournament sponsors, branded advertisements on the website, and in-game micro transactions

    I suggest you give that article a serious read to gain some insight as to what WGT is all about.  Granted it's an old article (the part about 90% of the sites content being free certainly has changed, hasn't it?), but the premise behind this game and its charter for business are right there for all to see.


  • Crusty56
    136 Posts
    Thu, Nov 5 2009 8:17 AM

    People, if you are setting over a keyboard, clicking a mouse, or using some other such device, to start a swing............YOU ARE A GAMER, regardless of which game you play.

    If on the other hand you are out doors, in the fresh air, with your hands grasping the shaft of a gof club, trying to determine how to play your next shot.............YOU ARE A GOLFER.

    Thats not to say you can't be both, but please do not confuse one with the other.


  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Nov 5 2009 8:18 AM

    I suggest you give that article a serious read to gain some insight as to what WGT is all about.

      These hints are so sinister they actually made me giggle. (Unsuitable.)  

    The crucial difference in relation to Nivlac's original Nov. 4 post is that WGT is fully playable for anyone for free at any time, and TWO apparently won't be.

    Nothing wrong with that, of course. It's just another fundamental difference between the 2 games, besides the different levels of cartoonishness and realism.

  • Lysti
    323 Posts
    Thu, Nov 5 2009 8:20 AM

    Yes thats why i find the "wgt is for golfers & tw is for gamers" kind of funny Crusty  =)

  • Crusty56
    136 Posts
    Thu, Nov 5 2009 8:28 AM


    I suggest you give that article a serious read to gain some insight as to what WGT is all about.

      These hints are so sinister they actually made me giggle. (Unsuitable.)  

    The crucial difference in relation to Nivlac's original Nov. 4 post is that WGT is fully playable for anyone for free at any time, and TWO apparently won't be.

    Nothing wrong with that, of course. It's just another fundamental difference between the 2 games, besides the different levels of cartoonishness and realism.


    What in the world do you find realistic about a two dimensional static image on a computer screen?


    180 Posts
    Thu, Nov 5 2009 8:31 AM


    Yes thats why i find the "wgt is for golfers & tw is for gamers" kind of funny Crusty  =)

    It depends on the person, not everyone who signed up for WGT considered themselves just a golfer, they're are many here who just see this game and play this game just to play a game. Its virtual golf, you're not literally out there on the course, hey you miss a putt yeah you get made like any other person but don't take this too serious its not that important. I found that out a long time ago, "You control the game, not the game control you". Remeber guys its just a virtual game on a computer not a real golf game in weather conditions feeling the wind on your face playing on the course game its just virtual and will forever be virtual. There are some who are golfer/gamers, just golfers, and just gamers. But we all have a little gamer inside of us if we didn't then why are playing here on WGT or on TWO.  I like both sites they both have their advatage and disadvantage their highs and lowsbut remeber its just a game. Like any other game on the web, its just a virtual game that people like to play just for fun. Don't take something that is not real too serious. Remeber "You control the game, not the game controlling you"