Sorry Sir ,, that was a cheap shot by me having fun with a Typo .
Modest mouse are the best.
Here it comes.
~ t ~
txzdave: Modest mouse are the best. Here it comes. ~ t ~
Henry is the best at being Modest
or maybe Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse are the best.
Dig the theme song.
81bison:I like the Steeleseries Rival 300 Black wired mouse. It is very comfortable for the fit of my fairly large hand and never fails. Got it at Best Buy.
I like the Steeleseries Rival 300 Black wired mouse. It is very comfortable for the fit of my fairly large hand and never fails. Got it at Best Buy.
Razor Death Adder
pearljammmmer: Razor Death Adder
Too big and cumbersome for smaller hands.
£1.99 optical mouse from eBay 5 years ago. Just dug it out and still works perfectly well...
...until I intervene.
I have used a Logitech marble trackball for years, love it.