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Clash... Time for a change

Fri, Jun 10 2022 12:45 PM (65 replies)
  • Kenbo00
    434 Posts
    Sat, Mar 23 2019 7:38 AM

    This is to the WGT... It is time to make the clash fun again or you will see it decline more and more. You give us max wind and fast greens 2 out of the last 3 clashes. People are burning out... and with the rewards you hand out. Just don't want to continue.

    Without question... make it challenging. But you are making it suck!

    Prizes... your marketing team sucks. Give out allot more prizes to the top 10 clubs so that people have a reason to want to play. It's called return on investment. You spend $10k to make $100k (Just example).

    Just look at how many clash clubs are left... It's dwindling every week. Pretty soon even the top two will say enough. 

    Don't take this lightly if you cherish the income from clashes...

  • Rick6208
    2,263 Posts
    Sat, Mar 23 2019 12:06 PM

    Toronto Leaf Fans Club agree 100 %  while the new style of Tourney, with the longest holed shot and Longest holed Putt have been great changes and give anyone a chance to help their Club, The Prize structure has not changed ! the Top 10 Prizes need to be better and the Top 11 to 20 and the 21 to 50 all should be increased ! its getting harder and harder to get members to play for the rewards that are currently being offered by WGT!

    a Ton of passes and Balls are being purchased by the Top 50 clubs and more so come on WGT lets update the Prize Structure

  • Sarahk8
    22 Posts
    Sat, Mar 23 2019 8:31 PM

    Hear hear, and have heard the same come from a lot of others


    Totally Agree

  • Kenbo00
    434 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2019 9:02 AM

    It seems like almost everyone I talk to lately is done with the clash. And honestly, I can't blame them. I'm on Bro cc and we've been winning the clash, but it doesn't change the fact that the prizes suck, and don't reward teams more for playing. Then they continue to throw crappy course conditions at us, and the lower tier players are struggling. We're gonna lose them next. The WGT can fix this easily... more rewards, and make the clash fun again. Yes... we want it to be challenging. Just not near impossible for everyone in our clubs to play. Not everyone is a Tour Champion!!! The clash should be set up for everyone.

  • Kenbo00
    434 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2019 10:04 AM




    The green speeds should be representative of the entire game and personally I think they don't go down far enough - I would like to see high winds and slow / standard greens for example, players who have advanced to Legend onward should be able to play any green speed if they advanced properly and didn't seek fast-tracking approaches. And as for high wind - love it!! Why would you burn out?? Just means you don't enjoy the game enough - find something else to do if the challenge of high winds burns you out.


    The prize structure suits us dandy too - you get a course-builder down to 500th place, this gives every club the opportunity to get one and have a custom course tournament running.


    If you don't enjoy the clashes don't play them - they are the highlight of every fortnight for me, less clubs involved - easier for us :-)


    Keep it as it is WGT, it's just fine.

    I find your comments comical.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2019 10:43 AM

    This is to the WGT... It is time to make the clash fun again or you will see it decline more and more. You give us max wind and fast greens 2 out of the last 3 clashes. People are burning out... and with the rewards you hand out. Just don't want to continue.

    Without question... make it challenging. But you are making it suck!

    Prizes... your marketing team sucks. Give out allot more prizes to the top 10 clubs so that people have a reason to want to play. It's called return on investment. You spend $10k to make $100k (Just example).

    Just look at how many clash clubs are left... It's dwindling every week. Pretty soon even the top two will say enough. 

    Don't take this lightly if you cherish the income from clashes...

    While probably not exactly the way I would put it, I absolutely agree with the substance.

    The clashes and the prizes are way overdue for an overhaul. At the very least, WGT should introduce some sort of randomness with some of the prizes, with a provision the club finishes in the top X (for example, top 50). 

    In other words, include at least one prize that is awarded randomly while coming up with better prizes for the clubs that finish first, second, or third. In fact, the better prizes should extend to the top 10.


  • Jill1989
    79 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2019 11:28 AM

    Agree, definitely time for a change on clashes, they're tedious at best in their current state and only the top 3 clubs get any value.      

    Lack of variety is the biggest issue and when we're involved 48 hours every two weeks that lack of variety makes clashes very boring, very tedious and just a struggle for about everyone.  

    I'm good with really, really fast greens and high winds, but every round, 48 hours straight, twice a month!  What would be wrong with a little mix, make it like real life, make it like WGT?  In every other aspect of WGT you get a mix.  

    Seems there's 3 to 4 courses used for each clash, so why not 3 to 4 conditions?  High winds and standard speed greens for one, low winds and tourney speed greens for another, etc, etc.  30+ mph winds on Royal St. George isn't a lot of fun...real life, I'd go to a movie instead.  

    And there seems to be very little VARIETY in the clubs we are matches decided?  We're a level 10, a little over 6 months old, yet in the last clash the lowest level clubs we faced were a 10, a 14 and a 16...the rest were 18s, 19s and one 20 and we played 11 clashes.  And this was not an anomaly...just the worst of what's become a routine.  Is that how the top clubs manage to always be on top...they get loaded up with clubs half their size, half their level?  Someone has to be playing these lower level clubs as we're surely not.  Lol. 

    And this adds to the tedium...along with every round a struggle, every clash is a struggle.  We don't mind playing 18s, 19s and 20s, we even win sometimes...but every clash!  How bout a mix?

    The rewards, unless you're in the top 3, are a joke.  If WGT would fix the other things, I wouldn't care much about this...we play mainly for pride as it is.  While we're now starting to play in the top 100, we'll never get to the top 3.

    The CC passes you win just aren't of much value as you cannot hang onto them for when they can be best used; as in a turf war or the next clash.  As long as you have any CC passes in your possession you won't see another every 12 hour free one until you're at 0 again.

    COURSE BUILDERS maybe I need this one explained to me; I see very little value in these.  I heard using these in a way to benefit your country club (in XP) was a glitch that WGT solved recently.  Only thing I'm certain of, but could still be wrong, tournaments built with course builders don't count as RANKED ROUNDS to those who play them.  if that is the case and there's no XP value to the country club...why bother.   


  • Kenbo00
    434 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2019 11:40 AM

    I personally love to clash, and so does my entire club. But I see such a decline in clubs that even want to play. It's sad to be playing a match against another club with 250 members, and only 2 are playing. We currently have Bro cc, The Penalty Box, and Texas Lone Star that seem to be committed each clash. Yes, there are others, but those are the top 3. 

    My interests are that the WGT make the clash fun for all. How they do it... I don't care. Better prizes, better conditions while maintaining competitive play, etc. 

    Way to many players are opting out... there's a reason for it. So, something has to be fixed.

  • kipdog87
    2,073 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2019 4:48 PM

    As a old clash player GP clash 36 winner, i still play for the fun of it, i have always played to enjoy and have fun, so the way i see it is if you don't like it don't play. Go and play with your handy little friends.
