TWEDLAKE: Completely uncalled for YJ.
Not exactly. Among other things, in previous (now deleted) threads, the OP has called people "stupid" and an "ass." So, I don't know that the responses he receives are uncalled for.
It took all my self control to not totally blast him when he called some of my friends and players I respect an Idiot or a moron because they disagreed with him. And unless they just deleted that thread it is still active.
Get to blasting then!
You in your little mind cannot see the bigger part of this.
Me, not you, Robert, Yankees or the other have been with this game longer than me.
I wAs playing when it truly was just a beta game trying to get off the ground, all the promising and all the so called fixes that were supposed to be done 9 years ago have NEVER happened. While I give credit for fixing glitches with the meter and what was constant meter lag, there is no reason that WGT cannnot invest the money to improve.
Robert your right in some aspects of it not being so simple to fix aspects of the game, it is more than code. But you would think given the amount of time this game has been out there would have been some sort of added fixes to issues like camera angles and better putting features.
Mat this point you can draw your own conclusions as to me, keep on throwing me under your little bus. I’m playing more now and will give it a fair shake over the next few months.
So go ahead there born, blast away and prove the point iv already made !!!!
Thanks and have a great day.