I have acknowledged that #geoff likely made a mistake, but I also believe some of his underlying frustration can be tied into other aspects of the game that do "appear" to get tweaked or altered during a round. This is how it might "appear" I can't say it is definitive proof but only what I have to review.
Just today, I was playing in the free weekly on Pinehurst for Tour Legends. It was heavier winds and championship 14 greens.
I hit a shot, I fully expected to release off the green because how does a miss hit ball hit into a champ 14 green stop on a slight downslope pinehurst?
Here is one explanation.... upon watching the replay... this is what I viewed while logged into the game. Notice anything odd about the green speed recorded/shown?
My experience has been miss hits late with the wind tend to release more because the ball doesn't get all the bite you normally expect on a dinged shot, if I miss hit early the ball generally comes up shorter and stops quicker as the wind knocks it down more.
We can learn those things but it does not alter or change something is WRONG or OFF here when the replay for me indicates a standard green speed instead of Championship 14.
Either replays are not accurately recording and saving all the factors or the replay is showing something that was altered during the shot but most people rarely catch or pick up on, unless they stumble across it. Mind you... I don't believe anyone else without some kind of hack software will see the green speed. I had to be logged in while viewing the replay for it to show up. If I view the replay without being logged in, I could not see the green speed.
Again, my shot was a mistake, I acknowledge that... I am pointing out how the advertised green speed for this tournament is somehow different than that showing up in the "replay" which is suppose to accurately reflect the shot and game play dynamics for that shot.
I am not filing any grievance with WGT, as I believe this type of thing happens universally to all players and everyone experiences odd stuff. But, having been able to see a different "factor' or variable such as a different green speed, does offer me another explanation for why a shot stop on what I believed was a Champ 14 green when I have had numerous shots on Pinehurst on slower greens never stop rolling and fall off the green. Just saying, it seemed odd... so I looked at it closer and found the above details.