"Many members and general gaming enthusiasts are commenting with great interest on this thread."
Rather presumptuous for a rant when "many members" already know about flopping on the green, no? Another gamer gets a rude awakening. :-D
I have taken some major steps into the legal position of such a ‘game’ will-fully manipulating gaming operations and subsequent outcomes with regard to a persons resulting mentality and it’s negative effects it may may not induce.
Many members and general gaming enthusiasts are commenting with great interest on this thread.
Not entirely sure but I don't think he was talking about members here. I thought he was along the lines of "give me cash or me and my friends, on some unknown and rarely visited forum, will talk endlessly about the poor mental state we're in as a result of video games. ".
Works for me, can I have some too please wgt. Many times the game has cheated me out of a ball and a fragment of my remaining sanity. I remember for instance driving on the 4th at St A's wind 28mph from my left, inexplicably I moved my marker right to compensate(?) this resulted in a lost ball, a slight loosening of my tenuous grip on sanity and a frightened cat. Wgt should clearly have a system where, "don't be stupid" is flashed up in red lights when such shots are being lined up.
My advice to the op would be to learn from your mistake and move on, if only I could do the learn bit myself :-(
ps The cat may sue too.