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Disgusting customer service.

Sat, Aug 3 2019 6:38 PM (56 replies)
  • Geoff5732
    7 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2019 8:22 AM

    I did smile.

  • Geoff5732
    7 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2019 8:24 AM

    I would suggest you do some research into class actions in the gaming world.. you may be surprised. Oh and also focus on your good old US of A, S Korea & Japan.


  • Geoff5732
    7 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2019 8:33 AM

    Hi and thanks for taking so much time to respond. In short, had CS made any form of attempt to detail any form of help or assistance I may not have been so damning.

    Thanks for contained advisories.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2019 9:42 AM


  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2019 9:49 AM

    Geoff: a lot of people are complaining about big pharma, drug prices and addictions. Perhaps you could work the addiction angle. The over 10 million registered players can't just play the game because it is a challenge and fun. They have to be addicted. So WGT has a financial obligation to me for addicting me to the game and charging me for equipment and balls.

    Wait a minute. How much could I get from them if I have never given them money?

    Guess I will go play a round while I ponder that question.

  • BogeyOne
    1,993 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2019 9:55 AM


    I could be wrong , Some people have told me that they have flopped on the green , I tried it a couple of times and it didn't work out so good , But I cant flop out of the bunker either , So what do I know .

    I once flopped 4 feet into the bed to take a nap.

    - - Martin the nap taker, the taker of naps


  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2019 10:15 AM


    Not least a major concern to me is the money I have invested to enhance my playing experience, but my state of mind, only to be left upset, angry and very frustrated. 

    Ahhhh yes....   the whopping investment you've made...     Here's some and /or spending money, in particularly the minuscule amount you've spent in 5 months wont buy you any "talent"........  get over it.....


    I have taken some major steps into the legal position of such a ‘game’ will-fully manipulating gaming operations and subsequent outcomes with regard to a persons resulting mentality and it’s negative effects it may may not induce.

    Ah...yes...    the 'ole  "WGT is causing  suffering and mental anguish syndrome."    LMFAO...    Here a step for ya....   Get on the horn with Nadler and Schiff, perhaps they can conduct Congressional hearings for ya.....  or....  better yet,  Hire Bob Mueller (he's not busy at the moment).....  maybe he can  spearhead your investigation....



    Now I was, and still am, very angry and will NOT be playing another game until I have an explanation and / adequate compensation.

    Now....we get to the "meat" of the pitiful post.....   The 'ole "I'll not play another round until I get compensation."         Your score history indicates you've posted a mind boggling 7 rounds in your WGT career....   What type of compensation are you seeking???    50 cents?  One dollar?   



    I’m not a chump player.









  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2019 10:27 AM

    LOL.  Is anyone surprised that OP has not learned how to quote in a reply?

    I am not.

    Watch for pending legal action on that one!!!

    (-:| |:-)  

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2019 10:46 AM

    Hi and thanks for taking so much time to respond. In short, had CS made any form of attempt to detail any form of help or assistance I may not have been so damning.

    But, that is part of what I was trying to convey to you... "your approach when you delved into legal steps taken" is what forces CS into a corner... when you start using that type of language you almost ensure you won't get a desired response.  It is more as though you are picking a fight...

    It is also why I tried to share, I did read and hear a different tone in other aspects of your letter to CS... but it changed tone at that point.

    I can empathize with your frustration, but I would also say in this particular instance it really sounds like you just had not learned the shot type that you needed to use and that was most likely a mistake you made.  

    Without the replay for all of us to view or even for WGT to review there is no way for us to know exactly what happened.  But we can make educated or reasonable guesses.

    My suggestion is when you play a wedge on the green, hit it is a full Wedge mode ...take the distance of the shot 15y … double it... 30 then divide by the yardage of the club you are selecting.  for me it would be 30/50 or 60% of a full wedge shot.  That is likely what I would try on the desktop version...

    on the mobile platform you can add FBS to your shot … so the ball will bite and stop quickly... I generally do the same number but add 5-10 % depending on the elevation of the green and wind to the shot and apply FBS knowing it will stop quickly.  The mobile platform wedge shot can be dialed in much more precisely than on the desktop version due to the ability to add FBS...

    it is the "debate" reference by some other players.  But that doesn't matter at this point, I am trying to convey to you how this type of shot can be use on either platform but it does play differently... I don't believe you ever mentioned which platform you were on.

    Take your time and try and learn the game and learn the type of shots you are going to need as you progress... trying to move as quickly as possible will frustrate you more and also cause you to spend more money upgrading equipment even more frequently and that can then fall on your shoulders not WGT for trying to reach the back tees at hyper speed only to learn you haven't developed the all around game to compete at the back tees.   

    Hope all works out... if you carry your same passion into learning and progressing with the game, I am sure you will progress well and learn a great deal... practice and learn as much as you can... the conditions get tougher, the greens get faster and variance remains a part of the game... don't expect it to go away...

  • BOZskills
    417 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2019 11:27 AM

    Dear AJ, just tried punch on kiawah hole #1 green punch works quite nicely mate,at least on mobile. Cheers.